The three chairs of the House’s Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs committee subpoenaed the White House on Friday in their impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s pressure campaign against Ukraine, and also sent an information request to Vice President Mike Pence on the matter.
“The Do Nothing Democrats can continue with their kangaroo court while the President and his Administration will continue to work on behalf of the American people,”
Apparently, citizenship is now restricted to the current occupant. Benefits are only extended to other members of the administration, and its diverse supporters, contingent on their ongoing ‘loyalty’ to individual 1.
Slightly OT, I am tired of hearing that if you impeach Trump people will suddenly line up to vote for him out of outrage or something, Here is one commentator that actually gets it.
Note the boilerplate they’ve been using in the second paragraph for all the Ukraine stuff (Except the letter sent to Pence). I think they’re done waiting for the courts.
Non-compliance doesn’t mean they won’t go to the courts anyway, but I think this time it doesn’t stop the drive to impeachment. You impeach him for the coverup and obstruction, can still pursue a legal case against each individual on a separate track.
ETA: There’s a continuing resolution until November 21 currently. Mark that date as the latest date that Pelosi will hold a vote on articles of impeachment. If the government shuts down after, the messaging will be that the government shut down to impede the Senate trial being able to take place.
I think it’s important to emphasize that the Volker/Taylor/Sondland text exchanges show that the important “deliverable” was not just a commitment from Zelensky to do an investigation, it was to make a public statement that they would do an investigation. The investigation itself (and any conclusions from it) are probably secondary – the important thing for Trump was to get a public statement that they would investigate Biden. That’s because such a public statement satisfies Trump’s immediate need to take down Biden and would simply add to his innuendo and chaos-sowing “both sides do it” propaganda messaging.
Oh that’s the tune they were singing On Faux and friends this morning.
It’s the president’s DUTY to investigate foreign corruption.
Why, he’s a patriot for investigating the Bidens
My jaw would drop but it’s been a long fucking week
Atomic Gaslighting Indeed
“WASHINGTON, July 30—The House Judiciary Committee voted narrowly today to charge President Nixon with unconstitutional defiance of committee subpoenas, completing the draft of the bill of impeachment”
They can’t give him up. They have invested their egos and perhaps their lives in this miscreant. The Trumpists will never admit they were wrong. It’s too late for that.
Let’s not downplay, “…but his son, Hunter…,” featuring as the re-election campaign’s go to whataboutism for any of the many blossoming scandals around Drumpf. He got so much mileage out of its analog last election, I can’t imagine he’d let the possibility go or even try finding something new this time around.
" Longtime Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) said at the time that the suit showed a “lack of seriousness” taken by the president, saying: “There’s no way I don’t think any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday.”
"ISIS is watching,” he continued. “If you were the head of ISIS, if you were Baghdadi, if you were anyone in the ISIS, would you come away from yesterday afraid of the United States? Would you be afraid that the United States was going to use all its power to crush ISIS? Or would you think here’s a person who’s going to go out and do a few fundraisers over the Labor Day weekend?”
What a disrespectful POS the new WH spokesperson is. But I guess it is to be expected because no self-respecting person would work for this administration
Which we must keep reminding ourselves
They are 30- 35 % completely and I mean completely brainwashed people
There were some at a local street festival last night with a little Trump booth complete with a lifesize cutout of Trump and Malaria . I nearly lost it, but I rationally figured out I would get a better response from the brick pavers in the road