House Democrats’ Twitter Account Pounces On AOC’s Chief Of Staff

He said that it wasn’t an accident.

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O god I love that - you’re so right. The Survival Party is perfect.


Fine by me if twitter went the way of the dinosaurs, which I’m sorry I missed, by the way.


Prove it, Trollbreath.

Since Pelosi has not done this, perhaps you should get your head out of your nether regions and stop lying.


Dems were voted into power in the House 2018 to stop Trump. Instead, they’re helping enable his fascist agenda. And publicly chastising the dems who protests.

  1. there was big talk of that during the Obama era.

  2. they were in charge in '18 (something Trump allegedly yells about)

  3. this isn’t Brazil


AND another thing…

Chakrabati’s tweet was on June 27th…

The Dem Caucus tweet attacking him came out yesterday.

This is a deliberately orchestrated attack by Pelosi and the leadership – attacking someone for a two week old tweet at a point where the Party leadership is supposed to be lowering the temperature tells you a lot about what is really going on here.

Pelosi appears to be channelling Trump’s habit of providing any distraction from bad news. Every day that we see more pictures of migrants in cages reaffirms how badly Pelosi caved to Trump’s racist policies two weeks ago. And the latest delay in the Mueller interview just emphasizes how abysmal her leadership has been on an issue of importance to progressives.

So she needed a distraction --and that distraction is an attack on AOC, her allies, and her staff.


Actually they were put in for oversight and that’s what they’re doing, but please continue.


Tena, 100% of all the dramatics of these spoiled children is a lack of real experience with real SUPPRESSION AND DICTATORSHIP.

They live for fuckers with mikes, clicks and tweets.

Taking advantage of freedoms they still have and WILL LOSE (along with all of us) if the Dems fail.


That comment is so full of shit that I can smell it from here.

You have ZERO proof of anything you’ve posted.


I agree, Caro. I couldn’t agree more. I do feel like some of our Democrats don’t see how serious this is.


At this point in time I am wondering if the powers that be within Democrat circles would like things to stay exactly as they are. I’m saying this as the current state is a money maker and a money maker that does not require very much in return. I am retired and am on a fixed income so money is a constant thought, it irks me no end when I receive the daily 15 or 20 emails all asking for more, more, more all in the name of fighting the current idiot sitting in the WH. I agree wholeheartedly that we must fight, however, I’m not seeing much fighting taking place. There is lots of hand ringing and cautionary words but very little action. It seems that the “loyal opposition” has taken a page from Susan Collins, say you are disturbed, say you will do this, say you will do that, but when push comes to shove just continue with the same-o, same-o.

People keep saying how good Nancy is, I don’t know her so I take folks at their word. Recently I’m coming to the conclusion that Nancy is another Chuck Schumer, who I do know. Chuck is a tool of the same-o, same-o, don’t rock the machine, money class. So lack of any fight is making sense as that lack is one of Chuckie’s hallmarks.

To sum up, in my mind, Democrats have become the PCH of the political world, you will be a big winner, just send money. Then in an hour, rinse and repeat. Fifty years later you are still awaiting that big win you have been promised and in all that time you have maybe gotten 50 cents worth of progress.

I am a fan of Science Fiction, one of the recurring themes found in that genre is societies dominated by corporatist. We see Republicans already have bought into their plans where the ranks routinely vote against their best interests. With the removal of the Fairness Doctrine, under Clinton’s leadership and later Obama (the FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011) the corporatist interest have picked up steam. Before with a mixed and robust media we at least had a chance to hear differing opinions, etc. The next step was money and Citizens United has opened the floodgates to the corporate takeover and as with Republicans it appears Democratic leadership is falling in line. So it will be crumbs and circuses along with the relaxation of drug laws all in the name of keeping the masses quiet and under control. Just send them the money and all will be good. Of course neither party gives a shit about anything or anyone who is not of the money class. Republicans have capitulated, it is now the turn of Democrats.

This is also the reason why AOC and company are being targeted. These 4 have not yet bought into the money class meme. Other newly elected have unfortunately already succumbed. This state of nonconformance must not be allowed to stand. It has the potential to show the masses that they can rebel. That can not be allowed. Conformity is required.


It still leaves open the questions

  1. who authored it
  2. who authorized it

hardaway is a spokesperson – that tells us nothing about authorization or authorship. Did Pelosi authorize it? Or perhaps it was the work of Pelosi’s #1 lap dog, Hakeem Jeffries, titular head of the Democratic Caucus in the house.

the spokesman for the Democratic caucus said the tweet was not an accident.

in other words, you are either completely and utterly ignorant of the basic facts of the situtation, or a nasty and venal liar.

ETA… as to “no proof”…

Look at the date stamps.
There is your proof about the TWO WEEK time lag between the original post, and the attack by Team Pelosi

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Unless you have proof of either, it’s time for me to get back to this eggciting six man tag team match.


I can hardly bear to watch right now. I have backed way off my political activities online and offline this month.


No, dear.
I’m nothing at all like you—for which I thank Dog every day.



I’ll come clean, at least I use my own photo.

Regarding twitter, I didn’t have a problem with it until our fearless leader started ruling by it. I hate it, so juvenile.


I do know that if the Party had better overall messaging commensurate with the new modes of communication in the 21st Century, we would not be talking about the “powers that be” so menacingly.

There have always been “powers that be” in any organization.

What’s happening is that (a) the messaging sucks (b) not enough people have indicated support for Impeachment and © not enough Congressmen/women have committed to an Impeachment Inquiry