Hiding The Ball

The media is made up of useless C-student losers who are desperate to paper over their uselessness by pontificating and prognosticating the future. They need to STFU and stay in their fucking lane.


So why does it always seem to work for Republicans?

I’m not buying that mode of thinking for a nanosecond. What’s the point in that?

Here’s what’s happening in Arkansas:

We got ALL the petitions signed from 50 counties in a RED STATE. Imagine that! We have democratic candidates opposing republican candidates, more than I’ve seen in many years.

This war will be won on the battlefield, not on the blogs. I don’t have time to worry about the odds of this or that and that’s not my focus. It shouldn’t be anyone’s focus who is intent on beating Donald Trump and Project 2025.


The gaff he made was in doing an interview with Stephanopoulos. And of course this was another episode of Trump v Biden and not what a Trump administration vs a Biden administration is likely to do for America. What vision for America does Biden have…even if he only has moments of it. What does Trump have in mind? Give an Administration consists of hundreds of people which of the two is likely to assemble one that is capable of taking America forward? We’ve had 4 years of each. Which would you like repeated?

Perhaps the “I’m so cool” Democrats asking for Biden to withdraw ( a sure Trump win ) might think past the NYT’s “he’s too old” shit and remember their “what about her emails” got Roe shit canned and “he said he invented the internet” got us the Iraq war.


I don’t see how Cannon can possibly throw out all the charges, esp. the obstruction of justice charges relating to Trump’s post-presidency. If she does, can Jack Smith appeal and even cite her decision as grounds for her removal from the case?


I have been thinking of how Karine Jean-Pierre always has to do all the explaining to the “press,” and thereby, to the public, about the President’s actions, thinking, health, and such.

And I thought, what does Biden’s Chief of Staff have to say about this? And I realized, hell, I don’t even know who his Chief of Staff is! I knew it used to be Ron Klain. I had to look it up – Jeff Zients.

Has he ever said anything to the public or the press, about anything related to his boss?? What does this guy actually do???


Don’t use old school judgement when it comes to a Trump judge. There was a time when a Judge might want to go rogue but check themselves out of concern for the public’s perception of doing so. No more. They just go for it. Them’s the new rules.


You know, it’s funny to think about all the times I’ve been accused on here of being an Eyeore.


As @txlawyer has pointed out in the past, she could tank the trial after the jury is seated, with jury instructions on the indictments in question that essentially guarantee an acquittal. She’s untouchable once the jury is seated. The prosecution has no right of appeal on an acquittal verdict by the jury.


And Amy Chosick the NYT’s designated Hillary follower was pissed that she couldn’t have a seat at the front of the press plane so took revenge by daily making her columns about “the clouds of suspicion swirling over the Clinton campaign” and the once honest paper of record recorded that dreck on the front page just as they’re doing now with President Biden’s age. Editors and owners aggrieved that Biden will not give them a proprietary interview so their petty revenge is to slander him relentlessly.


Yes he did. That was the first time I had ever heard the term Nolo Contendere.

Agnew spent the rest of his life saying he was a victim of a witch hunt. There truly is nothing new under the sun.


Yes, but the Trump lawyers are asking her to dismiss the case now. That’s the timeline my question presupposed.


I don’t see that the document charges are susceptible to review, either: IIRC, he’s charged with unauthorized possession (and not returning) the papers, not with taking them. That’s all post-presidency.
Not that Aileen will see it that way; so, it’s good to know she can be appealed.


In the small town of Grants Pass, OR, where the Supreme Court agreed that being homeless is a criminal offense, today’s high is forecast to be 113º. That does not comport with my image of the Pacific Northwest.


Yup, and Rachel Maddow had an excellent podcast series on Agnew -Bagman. He literally took bags of cash from folks who wanted stuff from him. He was hideously corrupt and needed to be gone before Nixon resigned. This is now legal per the Supreme Court’s decision. As long as it can be linked to executive functions, a POTUS or VPOTUS can take bags of cash to help a friend. The Saudis are already doing it.


I wouldn’t say the media is once again repeating their ‘mistakes’ of 2016, I would say they are repeating their strategy of 2016. It worked for them then and could very well work for them again.

The corporate media are not our friends nor the friends of democracy They are the friends of clicks and profits. The Biden campaign will have to counter the media as well as the cult. It can be done because TSF and his cult of personality are digusting to the majority of voters. Sadly, in our version of democracy the majority of votes does not determine the winner.

Still, I believe we win in November with a well run campaign despite the blatant hostility of the corporate media.


Joe Biden will win in November, I don’t care if I have to carry him on my back over the finish line, he’s gonna make it, folks.

We have to get this right, so stop worrying. All you’re doing is fueling doubt and defeat.

Biden says he’s running, and that’s the end of it. Get busy making sure he wins.


Have you heard about the T**** judge up in Alaska?


Agnew also fought with the IRS about having to pay taxes on the bribes he received.


Thanks for filling that out for me.


Yes, I listened to it (following along week by week,) but didn’t retain that detail.
I thought it was really well done.