Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) invoked the ironclad “I know you are, but what am I?” defense on Monday with a formal demand for an ethics investigation into the Democratic senators who requested an investigation into his attempt to overturn the 2020 election.
Hawley is such a manipulating little puss moth. Estranging himself from democracy for what, exactly? The man couldn’t be a caudillo if he tried. Even with a big mustache. He’s too much the posho. I’m afraid that the lust for domination is quite wasted on this poor, inept, Ivy Leaguer. He’s more supreme court material, in my opinion, but that time has passed. He’ll just have to spend his years inveighing at the complete unfairness of a universe that denies him a ghost-written book publication.
Aaron is like a western hog-nosed snake in the way he consumes Fox News tidbits. These snakes prey upon toads* almost exclusively and are immune to the bufotoxins.
*Western hog-noses have large rear fangs in their mouths so they can puncture the toad like a balloon when it tries to inflate.
What does “woke” means? It’s a word Ross Douthat uses with regularity, but he never defines it. In his latest column in the NYT on the correct Catholic view of morality, society, and the presidency, he links from this word to another of his columns in which he doesn’t define the word.
He def hit all the GOP point words…“woke mob”, “cancel culture”, etc. He’s trying so hard to fit in thats its just…sad. A nobody who wants to be somebody controlling everybody.
Does he leave a trail of white smoke behind during his unending pilgrimage across this morally hostile and barren land where Catholics and other sinners have no power whatsoever and live in abject squalor and oppression?
He tried to disenfranchise LEGAL voters,but somehow HE is the one that is being ‘squashed’. It is simply amazing at the absolute WHINING of current day Republicans.
How could someone be more obnoxious than Dev-in Nunes;but here he is:
The guy every teacher has had- and hated because that damn Trap would never stay shut.