Harris-Walz Ticket Debuts With All The Feels

American Fascism

“Let’s pull together to make our country great and me a big success.”

“What do you want us to do?”

“I don’t know. Do something and I’ll tell you.”


“What have you got to lose?” Stable-genius level, right there…


I am an innocent bystander when it comes to the “why” of acronyms. :rofl:

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Reverse Midas - touch things - and they turn into turds. - “The JD Touch”


If these people only understood Bene Gesserit, er, Clinton Foundation training.


Looks like the TPM magic link is working again…

Latest TPM Article Topics topics - Discourse (talkingpointsmemo.com)


Yeah! It’s about time Ds start playing The Media. Whatever you do, just don’t let The Media dictate terms or ‘demand’ things. All it takes is one slip…Deplorables or Clinging to Guns/God…and they will go apeshit on you. So choose your unscripted venues very wisely and don’t be giving them gotcha sessions…which is every time you stand there fielding their abuse.

They’re going to savage you no matter what. The Media is there to ‘cover’ news and IF you make news they will cover it. It’s true, still, in this day and age. In absence of that, they will start to make it without you. So Dems need to make as much as they can and limit how much The Media makes. That still doesn’t mean being at The Media’s beck and call or marching into their lion’s den.

Chump called them The Enemy Of The People (again) on the same day he ‘invites’ them to a press conference. Where he will likely disparage them, again, at every opportunity while braying at them breathlessly and (as usual) not really answering any questions they might be able to shout at him. I’m not saying we need to play this like he does, but if he isn’t subject to piercing questions and having to come up with great answers, and pays no price for making horrendous mistakes and ungodly declarations…Dems shouldn’t feel obliged either about playing by the rules in an unfair game.




Nape Of the Earth.

Mark Hamill


What are the odds this ages poorly?


“Pre-retirement conditional rank promotions” – I knew the military would have a technical term for it. Probably an acronym, too – maybe PRECRAP’s. The military is good at catchy acronyms (AWOL, SNAFU…).

Once I compiled for a friend (a philosophy prof who, in a previous life, was briefly a professional boxer) all the popular expressions I could think of that Americans adopted from boxing/prize-fighting. It was a surprisingly long list. Probably longer than what you could compile for baseball. The popularity of boxing and baseball in the early days of home radios may account for the phenomenon.

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“Naturally full lashes” may = distichiasis = a double row of eyelashes – Elizabeth Taylor had them.

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TFG isn’t using a teleprompter, he has notes, and he is rambling more than usual. Keeps closing his eyes trying to think of a word.


It was a defining time for me, a 20 yr old college student.
Great music
Peaceful crowd
But in a time of the Vietnam War, division between right and left, there was Yasgur’s dairy farm. And the rain that turned the site into a sea of mud and dirty bodies did not dampen our spirits.
I remember…


Dementia Don

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Distichiasis (if I’m still spelling it right) = natural double row of eyelashes. Elizabeth Taylor had the condition. It’s due to a genetic mutation and can cause (usually) minor problems, esp. if the inner row lashes tend to grow toward the eye proper.

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I hope that is tape and not a tattoo


We’ve had the stock market, borders and millions dead in Ukraine because they can’t get bacon.


Three “confirmed” debates. She’s a border czar and dangerous. They stole the presidency from Joe Biden. In one sentence.


She did not say anything about that, just that his lashes are “natural” and that she’s jealous of them. So either s/he has never heard that term, it’s not the case or, if it is the case, he’s decided it’s too wussy to admit to.

Of course, she looks and sounds like she’s a good little Stepford wife, so who knows what she was told to say.