Disorganization is the currency of the realm at the Kamala Harris campaign, with an apparatus split between two coasts and a candidate who can’t decide on a message.
Sen. Harris, you were my first choice for POTUS. I still think you’d be a remarkably effective First Woman POTUS. However, i also realized from the beginning that the odds were stacked against you (for multiple reasons i won’t get into, now). I would just like to say that now is probably the best time to leave the race for President, and instead, focus your energies on the Senate trial of the Motherfucker who currently occupies the WH. We will not be losing you and what you bring to Washington. You will still be there, right where we need you. If your staff and campaign is in disarray (it is!), then it’s time to move on to the position where you can be most effective, and that is where the people of California gave you their confidence, as a US Senator.
same here. But even early on, I thought she was at her best when she had a foil to run against – in a regular interview (and from what I saw of her stump speeches) she really didn’t connect.
and when warren came out in favor of impeachment right after the mueller report was released, and Harris equivovated, I switched. And eventually it dawned on me – Harris is good at being against stuff, but didn’t seem to know what to support.
Perhaps this isn’t fair or true, but something gives me the impression that Harris is a kiss up/kick down type of person.
I heard her on that hip hop radio show, laughing with the DJs about her youthful use of marijuana—as a prosecutor, how many did she put in prison for the same thing? And I know the stories about how she ignored stories of pedophile priests in San Francisco in order to curry favor with that city’s powerful Catholic Church.
She talks a good game, and certainly she would be an improvement as President over the current situation, but I feel she is too much of a power player.
She was one of my first choices as well. She just hasn’t shown herself to have the broad vision she needs to be President. She just can’t forget she was a prosecutor back in the day. While personal history shapes any candidate, a candidate for President has to have a broader vision.
I’m not a political writer so I won’t lace my words with political trip like this bit. Harris’s problem is her past. She was an aggressive prosecutor and supported and employed policies that are not popular with progressive Americans. Her opponents buried her in those facts at the onset of the primary. I’m surprised she’s still around.