Harris Boosts John Kelly’s Dire Warnings: Trump Wants ‘Unchecked Power’

Originally published at: Harris Boosts John Kelly’s Dire Warnings: Trump Wants ‘Unchecked Power’

Vice President Kamala Harris said on Wednesday it is “deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous” that former President Donald Trump invoked Adolf Hitler while he was president, reportedly saying at one point that he wanted generals like the ones Hitler had. “Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to…

Russia is counting on Trump to Make Russia Great Again, and to turn us from a democracy into an autocracy.

Every single economic policy Trump has proposed puts us in line with Putin’s BRICS nations, eg. Russia, China, Iran, S. Africa Brazil and India. All with governments no real American would actually wish to be governed by, no matter how much they claim to be “democracies,” eg. S Africa, Brazil and India, they are all run by corruption and prone to electing autocras.


Never a good day for Trump when Hitler is trending.


I would like to think the wheels are coming off, but won’t be burned twice. #finishtheassignment

Vance during another lie-filled speech in Las Vegas just moments ago …

“Vance in his speech said that children of undocumented immigrants were detrimental to the school system in Nevada — a state where one in five residents speaks Spanish at home — because they can’t speak English. ‘Nevadan children are getting the short end of the stick and are not getting the education they deserve,;’ Vance said.”

Way to go, JD, or whatever your name is this year.


Do the young, I am old, know who Hitler is and what he did?


Gotta keep pounding that message. It won’t persuade the MAGA crowd but the fence sitters might decide to take a leap of faith into the blue.


I will never understand how people are blind to what and who Trump is.


Probably in the Blue states, Not sure that is taught in the Red states



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The generals who placed the bomb under the table that nearly killed der Fuhrer? Those generals would work for me.


Oh, only in Milwaukee… The “What’s Made Milwaukee Famous [Schlitz Beer], Has Made a Loser out of Me” department:

Kamala and her motorcade were traveling after her campaign appearance in Brookfield through Milwaukee, on its way to the airport last night. A drunk driver was DRIVING THE WRONG WAY on I-94 in the far lane driving facing and passing the motorcade, consisting of 12 cars. The last car in the motorcade was a Milwaukee Sheriff, who cut out from the rest of the group, and followed and arrested the driver, who had no idea he even entered the highway, through the barricades closing off all the exits and entrances. He was just having a usual night out, no nefarious intent. Everyone ok.

“When you’re out of Schlitz, You’re out of beer!”


Buy on rumors, sell on facts. The betting markets have been moving a bit back to Harris and there are rumors of bad news for Trump but no facts. Whatever it is, I don’t think it’s related to Trump’s Hitler-love.


The young age 18+ would have taken social studies classes in high school. They had to learn about WWII. I would assume most know who he is.


This post reeks of a a patronizing, tribal, colonial, and conservative mindset. These countries represent more than half the world’s population. Some of these countries have economies larger than the entire European Union, Canada, and the UK.

Let us not forget the corruption in the United States. Skanky, Wanky, and Cuck single handedly extorted several billion dollars from United States citizens and terrorist nations. Lots of stinky banana republic nepotism right here in the United State. The Bushes too. Don’t forget the corruption and influence peddling and whoring by Roberts, Thomas, and Alito run for their corporate donors. Robert Kennedy, Eileen Cannon and Elon Musk are beyond reproach.

We don’t own the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for Democracy.


Das Fuhrer because der is masculine, die is feminine, das is neutral and used for children and “others”.

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F*** Kelly. He should’ve resigned and told us this on the day it happened. He’s much a fascist as tangeranus.


The betting markets are rigged this year. Billionaires are betting on tangeranus just to fool the degenerate gamblers.


Kelly is a racist, i.e., social conservative, but appears not to like fascism. He had no issues with the January 6 Coup that I can remember.

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Trump’s base love this. When they hear Trump is an authoritarian fascist who admires Hitler, they think better to own the libs my dear. When they hear generals are opposed to Trump, they think the military is corrupt and needs to be torn down and rebuilt (with other peoples’ children). They hate mainstream Republicans as much as they hate Democrats. They hate experts because Trump is smarter, and he will fix it by getting rid of the administrative state and removing all regulations. They hate immigrants because who they believe are poisoning the blood of our country, and will cheer when Trump puts them behind fences. Full circle back to Adolf.

Trump leads a cult and we assume that some of these people can be reached at our own risk. They can’t and there’s a lot of them, likely enough to elect Trump again. Misogyny and racism run deep in our unsullied blood. Frankly, the only thing that will get through to these people will be when they lose services and their jobs when Trump’s tariffs take full effect.

Sorry for the rant, but I am tired of listening to pundits. They don’t see what is happening. Maybe they should watch the Nazi rally coming up at Madison Square Garden.


Should someone tell Trump that most of Hitler’s generals at some point tried to kill Hitler.

And this is not just after the war was lost but before the war even started. Going into Munich, had Chamberlin not have caved, rather than go to war Hitler’s generals were going to arrest Hitler.