Hannity: ‘I Don’t Vet The Information On This Program That I Give Out’

… well … before the pounding of Trump is wound down … there needs to be assurance that the stake fully pierced the blood pumping mechanism (or what ever passes for a heart)

And when the conversation turns to Biden … it better not be a whole bunch of stuff like that crap Andrea Mitchell spewed yesterday… stupid lame contrived nonsense that Biden’s camp was not transparent enough as they shared all of the details of the initial cause, decision to examine … taking of x-rays and then ct scan … identification of the non-displaced minor fractures… and plans for a walking boot for the two tiny hairline fractures in Biden’s foot.
This was absurd hysterical behavior by Mitchell and utter rubbish …


“I am not told what to say.

Bullshit, there is coordination among right wing talking heads. They are very frequently all in the same story and talking points. A few years back it was this talking point about the pilgrims being socialist, that’s why they were starving on their fist year, then they saw the light and went capitalist and prospered, and that was the real meaning of Thanksgiving. Limbaugh, Hannity, and the whole crowd were repeating that obvious nonsense.

I don’t vet the information on this program that I give out,”

True. As the story about the pilgrims above would suggest, zero vetting happened. Anyone doing a minimum of fact check would realize that the pilgrims arrived in December, they were going to starve no matter what.


That’s good. What a great character. I had forgotten about him. I need to watch some old re-runs from that show.

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Client No. 3.


Hey, you’re talking about Mrs Greenspan there.

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I am so grateful I don’t have cable TV, and am not exposed to that brain rotting propaganda.

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“I Don’t Vet The Information On This Program That I Give Out” - Oh, but yes we do.

In fact, we verify that every bit of information we give out will help glorify Republicans and demonize Democrats. We use QAnon and 8Chan as sources to make sure we get only the best information.

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“By the way, when I said I don’t vet this program–I vet the program, we vet the facts,”


We KNOW Seanie…we know. You and the other two in the unholy three are only there for the entertainment. You never felt the ‘truth’ was something that was part of your media strategy.

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If Biden were not President-elect it’s highly likely that we would never have known about it, either because he didn’t bother to get it checked out (on the don’t-do-that principle1), or because no one has a fuck to give if the former vice-president has a minor fracture in his ankle.

1 The don’t-do-that principle is telling the doctor, “It hurts when I do X.” The doctor then replies, “Well, don’t do X then.” Most of us are able to absorb this lesson by early adulthood.

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“I am not told what to flip-flop on.”


“I am not told what to say. I don’t vet the information on this program that I give out,” Hannity said with a graphic blasting “MEDIA MALPRACTICE” plastered right next to him.

“We have always been independent, follow our own path on this show. That’s not going to change for me ever,” he declared.
… … …
good to know


“I’m like a doG. I just find the stinkingest piece of shit I can, then I flop onto to it and roll around in it.”


“And then I eat it.”


Was that a “Lie Salad”?


Obviously his producers were screaming in his ear that he had just admitted something the rubes didn’t need to hear.


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I just hope Limbaugh lives long enough to die of COVID.