Fox News host Sean Hannity, one of President Donald Trump’s top conservative media allies, made an eyebrow-raising admission on Monday night as he was ranting about “the media mob” being “nothing more than a glorified overpaid wing of the Democratic Party.”
“I’m not a professional journalist. Repeating rumors from social media is good enough for me. Standards of confirmation and verification are for liberals. Long live our Great Leader.”
Gee, really Sean? I mean, whoda thunk it, since every story and report on your show has been dripping with truth? Why, I haven’t been this shocked since someone suggested to me that Lindsey Graham might be in the closet, or that Donald Trump lies, or that Matt Gaetz and Louie Gohmert have the combined IQ of Michele Bachmann, or that…
Someone gave him a “Journalist’s Word of the Day Calendar” and today’s word was vet.
Here’s hoping that someone gives him a “Journalistic Ethics Calendar” for next year.
Aping urbanity Oozing with vanity Plump as a manatee Faking humanity Journalistic calamity Intellectual inanity Fox Noise insanity You’re a profanity Hannity