Half Of Unvaccinated Workers Say They’d Rather Quit Than Get A Shot – But Real-World Data Suggest Few Are Following Through | Talking Points Memo

Sorry to hear that. All I had was the sore arm. Second one is due in early November,

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From reading comments here, it seems to be a hit or miss thing for people.

Mt grandkids are in the CT public school system. I didn’t even see anything on the school’s FB page to indicate that yesterday was different from any other day.

They are having trouble getting drivers at all. Periodically, there’s a notification that this route is being combined with another route in order to get everyone where they’re supposed to be. I’m guessing school bus drivers are in the same category as fast food workers - too little pay and too much potential trouble for most to do the job?


I worked at Target last night for the first time in a few weeks.

Almost all my customers were unmasked. Wisconsin is only 52% vaccinated, so that was not a happy moment. We also get customers from Minnesota, being a ‘border’ town - they’re at 58%.

I am up for the second shot, planning to arrange to do it on a Friday and simply be unavailable for a weekend.

I got mine on Sunday. The arm is still sore, but that’s all I’ve had so far.


I just realized I might have been crossing thing up a bit. The second shot reference was regarding the next hit on a Shingles vaccination. I just received my COVID booster yesterday. Sorry if I created confusion on that.

Nope - I understood - my second Shingles shot was Sunday.



That’s how it looks to me, too, except add in political tribalism.


Yes, plus it’s by definition weird hours. Working 7:00-9:00 and 2:30-4:30 isn’t full time but also isn’t compatible with most other jobs.

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One of my daughter’s friends is a school bus driver. She’s also a bartender and is going to school part-time. Her husband retired from career Navy eighteen months ago and is working at a defense contractor now.

I guess one has to piece together a work life. But here’s what I want to know - I don’t remember any time prior to the last two to five years that there was ever a shortage of school bus drivers. Not ever. Someone correct me?


I think there have been local shortages every now and then. Part of the current shortage is also (I think) a longterm culmination of the outsourcing of buses to profit-making companies that go to great lengths to maximize revenues while minimizing costs. (A couple towns over there was a kerfuffle a few years back when a company won a district contract with a promise of a new bus fleet, and then it turned out that the home office had “forgotten” to order any new buses, so they might might be available the next year or the year after…)


They’ve had trouble out here when the oil & gas industry is doing well. A friend was a gym teacher/coach and pressure from higher-ups to get a CDL (for driving team buses) was a reason for retiring earlier than planned.


It’s been a consistent problem here in Seattle. We’ve outsourced the bus drivers to a private firm which can’t/won’t put together an attractive pay and benefits package.

Since the district also hires playground supervisors and such at hourly rates, one potential solution would be to package bus driving with another in-school job, which would produce a full time job that justifies including benefits. But I seem to be the only person to have thought of this.


Are there really so many irresponsible & ignorant people in this country or just jerks wanting to sound off about how they can do as they please?? Yes, there is something about a mandate that gets some people fired up but this sort of thing in the middle of a dangerous epidemic is so damn stupid.

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Any updates on if they did not show up?

Yes, it seems that lying to “deep state pollsters” is a thing. Might be worth bearing that in mind the next time you’re panicked by a poll saying 80% of Republicans believe Trump won.


Nothing much came of it. Most showed up. There were a few disruptions, but nothing big.


Thanks for the update. That’s promising to hear.

When we have networks like FOX and numerous radio station talk shows putting out non-stop misinformation and outright lies and nonsense we are going to have a large ignorant population. I don’t know why these entities are allowed to operate. On top of these ourfits there is the internet where one can confirm whatever crap one wants to believe.

I foolishly had great hopes for the internet in the beginning as a location where one could educate oneself but it, sadly, has turned into a gushing source of pernicious lies.

I suppose if government were able to reign in all of these pernicious sources people would still find a way to get misinformation and outright lies but it would be more difficult.


I have no smallpox vax scar even though I have been vaccinated a number of times. Natural immunity.

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