Half Of GOPers Embrace Myths Trump Pushed Surrounding Capitol Attack | Talking Points Memo

This is my entire theory of American politics going forward: I think our new voters are more likely to stick around than the new MAGA voters. And the GOP is desperate to keep the MAGA voters turned out because without them, they are electorally screwed.


And one knows this ahead of time? Or only in retrospect?

(Asking on behalf of Fannie Lou Hamer, John Lewis, Barack Hussein Obama, and so on.)


Outrage Industrial Complex


They learned the lie by having it shouted at them repeatedly. Seems to be the way they are conditioned to learn.

What this article doesn’t show is that the Republican party is getting smaller as the more reasonable people register as independents. Getting only 50% of a shrinking party when they previously had 70-80% believing the lies is really really bad (for republicans).


I was having a conversation with a neighbor just yesterday. She grew up on a farm and all of her family still lives on land. She was lamenting the fact that a several hundred acre cattle ranch outside of Kansas City, MO, held for multiple generations by the same family, was slowly being dismantled by inheritance taxes. I said, “You know that Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers didn’t want an American nobility and were strongly in favor of inheritance taxes for the good of the Republic.” She looked like a deer in headlights and replied, “Oh. I didn’t know that.”

One person at a time, one conversation at a time, I will continue in my Quixotic quest to convert the right. Thank you for your blessing.


Yeah he converted a whole bunch of rightists - to the Tea Party.

I would rather we use our time and money and energy turning out our voters and gaining Independents who are voting with us for the most part.


I get your point and agree with it, but she’s also just insanely uninformed. The inheritance tax does not currently kick in before an estate reaches almost $12 million. That will buy you multiple thousands of acres of cattle ranch in Missouri. In reality, that estate is getting dismantled the old-fashioned way, by multi-generational inheritance and division.

ETA: And I should clarify that the estate tax threshold for a married couple is currently more than $23 million.

ETA 2: I should further add that the estate tax should be almost entirely confiscatory. I can’t imagine a more morally justifiable tax policy than taxing the deceased who couldn’t be bothered to spend it during their lifetimes.


Some historical approaches:

  • Reeducation camps (Great Leap Forward)
  • Genocide (examples too numerous to list)
  • Repent or die (Spanish Inquisition)
  • Forced exile/deportation (Moors in Spain)

The most effective is probably the Spanish Inquisition because, of course, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.


The bulk of the GQP has been swallowing lies for forty-odd years now. Why stop at this point? “Freedom is the freedom to say that 2+2=4. If that is granted, all else follows.” Sadly, they have taken the opposite stance.


I absolutely think that a scary and non-trivial number of RWNJ’s could actually hold the belief that government should stay out of Medicare, however that picture is a Photoshop. The original:


OF COURSE, they do. They WANT to believe it. THEIR people attacking the Capitol??? NO NO NO it’s those mythical ANTIFA folks. The moochers and takers. The ones that protest in OUR neighborhoods.


Irony and parody are getting quite a workout this century.


OY. I guess the armed child refusing to give up the AK was white, otherwise he would be dead along with everyone else in the car.


Perfectly defensible position.

I don’t give up easily on a wider vision, but I don’t just dismiss your view, either.


“The man’s wife gave officers permission to enter the car and told them there were drugs in the cup holder, which police later identified as cocaine and fentanyl.”

That sounds like quite the cocktail. I blame DUI laws that won’t let us have a road-soda in the cup holder anymore instead.


You jest, but it ain’t just corn out here.

Of course we already have a vigorous raking program so we don’t have fires too often. When we get them, the tornadoes tend to blow them out pretty quickly.


Gotta go with what the poll shows, but there’s an element of this where I don’t actually think all of them believe it. It’s just orthodoxy…dogma…a tenet of their religion to be promoted, believed or not, because it is expected to provide something in return.

As some of th3se guys at a back yard BBQ after a few beers and convincing them you’re one of them and they’ll burp and tell you “naw, I don’t really believe that, but our boys up at the state capitol and DC needs them an excuse for gittin’ us some laws to stop all these’n here n-bombs and sp-cs from voting.”


Oh this echo chamber, groupthink shit has been going on ever since the first humanoids kicked out the first idiots in the group.


And yet the 10 y/o didn’t get kneeled on. And the Dad got medical help instead of being kneeled on. Why is there a lack of police controlling people on drugs with their knees in LA?


Hahaha! That reminds me of when I used to be “that guy” with the nicest lawn in Billings.
One morning my neighbors dog had gotten into the trash and the neighbor boy was out early in the AM picking up the little bits that had landed on my “putting green” lawn. I told the nice young man that I would take care of it and brought the Hoover out to the lawn and was vacuuming it when a neighbor drove down the street. The massive eyeroll I got was priceless.