Haley Says Tillerson And Kelly Tried To Convince Her To Secretly Work Around Trump

What a freaking idiot.

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Haley is just another Republican. I really do not understand how any of the people around him find him even remotely a legitimate POTUS. I suppose they calculate that if they suck up to him enough they will receive favors from him. They ought to know better but we seem to have a lot of dim politicians these days.


Silly Nikki. Trump intends to never leave office.

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Agreed, but I think she figures the route is to get and stay on Trump’s good side so the first time Pence disappoints him she’ll be right there ready.

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You can’t have it both ways, Missy. As a matter of fact it’s already been decided where you stand along side the trader in the White House. See how many books your reputation sells for you.

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If one is not a Partisan, it is fairly clear that within the parameters of not being Lefties, Tillerson and Kelly were trying to be reasonably protective of the Republic as an institution, and not mere corrupt political lackeys, Neo Bolsheviks ready to discard all principal for the Party Leader. (the great lesson of Trumpism is that Bolshevik style Orwellian NewThink is entirely possible on the Right as on the Left whatever the pious pretensions of the Righties like the National Reviewistas)

The partisan commentators here of course will see any Republican as evil, etc. but if one is not an inveterate partisan, one has to give Tillerson and Kelly credit for some principals. As even the otherwise evil Bolton. It’s useful to be open to recognizing people with base ethics on the Opposition side, even if swaths of their political objectives are otherwise objectionable. They’re needed to make Conviction on Impeachment be a win and not playing Don Quixote.

Haley is just a unscrupulous opportunist. With any justice, she will come out of this badly damaged. Any number of Trumpian style bad words come to mind for her being fully deserved… Nasty creature she is.

She is relatively young and knows her political career is toast without the deplorable vote.

Tillerson and Kelly okay with Nazi, but want efficient Nazi.

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"According to Haley, the two senior officials argued their decisions “were in the best interests of America” because they believed Trump “didn’t know what he was doing.”

The part about Trump not knowing what he is doing would seems to be beyond dispute.

But what Tillerson and Kelly did was not usually in the best interests of America.

The big reveal here is that the deep state is real, and consists of Trump’s own appointees.


one thing that is amazing about this is that what we thought was happening with Kelly and Tillerson is really confirmed here, by the President’s ally. Professionals closest to the inner circles see that Trump is an incompetent fool; no doubt Republicans in congress see it too, by now–yet they continue to support him, regardless of consequences.

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Daily Joe (I am not usually home to watch) just played a clip of Haley saying that “to undermine a president is a dangerous thing.” She apparently doesn’t think that an evil president, working for his own benefit and under orders by a foreign adversary, may be more dangerous.

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Haley is pulling the same stunts she pulled in SC to get to Governor’s Mansion in SC. She’s been after Pence’s job since day one. Her accepting UN position, for which he had zero experience in International Affairs, was to round out her resume for future VP/POTUS candidacy. Once she left the UN, she’d been dropping bait on social media that Pence should be replaced. Now she’s pushing Trumps’s eject button over alleged coup involving Pence.

This is some real snake eats snakes nonsense, and I can’t get enough of it.


Boy, she sure is acting like someone who thinks the GOP will need a new nominee next year lately . . .


Reminds me of all the times she berated McConnell for undermining Obama.


She just gave Trump a huge gift - maybe the biggest gift anyone has given him so far. She has buttressed the idea that people in Trump’s administration were actively working against him. That is all he needs - motives, reality and results mean absolutely nothing. Who will be the first among his acolytes to call Kelly “deep state”?

Nikki Haley has NEVER done a damn thing that isn’t 100% about Haley and what is ‘good’ for her career. This book and the ‘nuggets’ that drop from her lips on her book tour should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Who reads these books?
Time for Kelly and Tilly to speak up on the record and not try to sell a book like Bolton and Mattis.

You mean it didn’t happen while Kelly was in the White House?


a grain of salt and a stiff drink.

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