Haley Says Tillerson And Kelly Tried To Convince Her To Secretly Work Around Trump

Haley and Melania need to start a Russian Expatriot Club. Where is Niki’s “I Don’t Care. Do You?” jacket?

In fairness, Steven is not an immigrant. He is an alien from the plant Youranus.

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This fucker puts the “f” in Desperate.

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access denied.


Haley quit her job so she wouldn’t be injured in a poo-flinging tweetstorm of the sort that’s ended a lot of careers in this administration. So who is she to criticize those who stuck it out and got caught in the crossfire?

But to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing,

It can be…maybe you should have pointed that out to Trump when he started his ‘birther’ campaign.

So - screw you Haley.


GOP length of vision for the future goes no further than the next campaign cycle. It’s become its own doomsday cult.


He really means the GOP should make up its own transcripts.


Imagine showing up at the pearly gates and getting a 404 page not found error.


Well, there may be a marketing opportunity here. “Choose you own transcript” from the “Choose your own adventure” folks.


to undermine a president is really a very dangerous thing

The only thing more dangerous is a president undermining the country.

I always thought Haley might be a contender for Chief Executive. Her conclusion here confirms her to be an easily malleable idealist lacking solid values of right and wrong.

Yes. It’s dangerous. That’s the point. Have some regard for your fellow citizens. Donald Trump is a mentally ill career criminal.


When Trump goes down, she and Lindsey will claim they hated him and barely knew him.


Just like Bolton, except he doesn;t want to be POTUS. Fucking grifters all of them. The GOP needs to die as a Party.


Just trying to stay on his good side to be able to influence him for the good of the country they will say.

Meh…ALL candidates with Presidential aspirations, on both sides of the aisle, put out books like this ahead of a run. I doubt she runs in 2020, but its not an impossible scenario, so it makes sense for her to prepare.

Kasich is being even more overt with his latest book, for example.

or the rapture comes and people are being raised up out of the crowds and the hypocritical alt-Christians are left standing around asking, “hey, what the fuck just happened here?”

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S. Carolina’s slave population outnumbered whites by about 10:1, iirc. The white power holders were terrified of the people they held in bondage, which is why S. Carolina had the most awful “black codes” to suppress any germ of “rebellion.”

It’s personal ambition over country for ol’ Nikki every time. Every. Single. Time.

Nikki, the double dealer, needs to just go away.

What Haley is saying is that even Republicans know Donald Trump is unfit and mentally ill.

Haley’s comment does not speak well for the Republican Party. Is the man or woman running in my area on the “foreign interference is” good side, or on the kooky “time to kill Americans” side?


People say she’s smart. What’s the evidence?

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