Gun-Waving Lawyer Couple Put On Probation By Missouri Supreme Court

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.

The Missouri Supreme Court disciplined lawyers Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the married couple who waved their guns at Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020, on Tuesday by suspending their law licenses indefinitely.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

More Americans Now Say Jan. 6 Wasn’t Trump’s Fault

It’s hard to blame them when you think that someone who so blatantly incited an insurrection is still not in jail. What these folks don’t understand, that it is due to the fact that Trump is a Republican, if he were a Democrat he would have been impeached and found guilty on Jan 7, 2021.


Or at least by now…


The GOP: The Party of Felons, Grifters, and Broken Things(r).


The percentage finding tfg bears a lot of responsibility for the insurrection should climb after the televised hearings. If not it’ll just be another damning indictment of our culture not really caring about its governance.


There’s a new excuse for the “legitimate political discourse” phrase being used. “Someone” added it at the last minute and nobody noticed it.

But it took 5 days to come up with that whopper.


Interesting. We may have have finally found a way to shame the otherwise shameless. Let’s get right on that, and stay on it. November is heading towards us at something like 67,000 mph.


Watch McCarthy Flee From Reporter Asking About RNC Censure


  • 52 percent of Americans said Trump bore “a lot” of responsibility last year . That number fell to 43 percent last month.

Give it a couple more months of Trump and MAGA news messaging and 73% will want Pelosi hanged.

I doubt we’re a functioning nation any longer. We’re just a big ball of knotted grievances and hate. It’s no longer if, but when, it all spirals out of anyone’s ability to rein it in and control it.


All that’s left for them now is to scream ‘Fake News’ at the top of their lungs.

Although that defense would be directed strictly at their base and their base actually agrees that J6 was legitimate political discourse (and restrained discourse at that).

I can hardly wait to see their campaign rallies this fall featuring buffalo-headed patriots screaming for the heads of Pence, McConnell, Cheney, and oh yeah, all those commie libs. Maybe not a good look for the fascist cult, but accurate.


And in other news:

The old crow has a sense of humor (who’d’ve thunk it???):

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is shrugging off Donald Trump’s campaign to oust him as the top Senate Republican, chuckling that he views “Old Crow,” the former president’s derisive nickname for him, as a compliment.

“It’s my favorite bourbon,” McConnell said

McConnell dismisses Trump criticism, saying it’s no threat to his leadership role | Washington Examiner

This should lead to a boost in ratings for the Kitten and Puppy Bowls:

NBC to air Lester Holt interview with Biden during Super Bowl pregame coverage | TheHill

Wondering if this is going to cost Liz her seat in Wyoming:

Where’s Liz Cheney? The Republican’s Exile From Wyoming Republicans - The New York Times (

Let’s start with he’s a Democrat and beat their Golden Boy senseless:

How Republicans came to revel hating Joe Biden | TheHill


According to that Pew poll, 67% of Americans believe Trump had some or a lot of responsibility for 1/6. It had previously been about 75%. I’m shocked it was ever that high. There’s always 30-35% who believe the Easter Bunny is a communist plot to rob children of their teeth.


Rumors that it was scribbled in the margin in sharpie have not been confirmed.



So whose fault was it, or did nobody think to ask that question?


I don’t think Americans are stupid. However, in the last 2 decades I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that a large portion of the population is ‘politically ignorant’. They don’t know the parties, the key players or their backgrounds, and they think that politics is just a kind of game played by professional pols that doesn’t affect them directly. They don’t have the knowledge or experience necessary to realize the potential effects of political decisions, and don’t pay attention to politics until they are directly adversely affected.

Thus, when bad things happen, many people either simply blame whoever is in power at that time, or retreat to their tribal corners. Also, Americans are famous for their lack of historical knowledge and perspective. I think many people simply have no idea how autocracies evolve and really believe that it “could never happen here…”.


Tell that to my brainwashed relatives who insist that it was Antifa and BLM who attacked the Capitol. Oh and they didn’t wave any Trump or confederate flags either 'cause that what their Pulpit Pimp Preachers are saying!


I hope the terms of McCloskey’s probation mean that he won’t be appearing in campaign ads fondling his AR-15 or mailing out Christmas cards of his family with its arsenal.

Not having access to those Republican stand-bys will cripple his electoral chances in the primary.


“Half the world is screwed.
The other half’s insane.”
Terry Allen & The Panhandle Mystery Band.