GSA Admin Will Send Deputy To Brief Congress A Week Later Than Reps Asked For | Talking Points Memo

Her picture should be in the dictionary next to petty.

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That’s not how this works. The sergeant at arms for the House should go visit her directly with cuffs if necessary to bring her to the hearing as soon as possible.

Why do we continue to accept this behavior from the government?


Of course, when finally pinned down she will say that the GSA will “ascertain” that Biden was elected when the Congress accepts the results — on January 6! She will then authorize the transition to begin.

However, all of the Trump officials will then (a) have resigned, (b) been fired, or © be on vacation until the end of the administration.

And where would they house the prisoner when the Sergeant at Arms came to get her? The history of guard rooms in the US Capitol hasn’t been used much since the late 1800’s. Somewhere else I read it hasn’t been used since the 1930’s but no details were given…so I’m going with the late 1800’s.

Btw…this is what’s left of what was:
Screen Shot 2020-11-23 at 4.16.41 PM

Fun fact: The last time the Tower of London was used to house a prisoner was in 1941 when it held the notorious nazi Rudolf Hess and the last person to be executed there was a German spy, also in 1941.


Yeah, or cook her goose.

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“We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!”

That said, it’s hard to believe so many in the Trump universe can’t see the writing on the wall. A pragmatic person would cut their losses and live to fight another day rather than inviting the ire of the soon acendant administration. These true believers are sick in the head. It’s a pity so few will ever see the justice they deserve for all the damage they are doing right now.


Gang, please, it’s a bit murky but as I understand it this business about the sergeant-at-arms arresting people and the Capitol jail and inherent contempt and all that mess is outmoded law, like requiring people to call sauerkraut “liberty cabbage,” and really for all practical considerations just a non-starter. It’s kind of an urban legend in effect that started zooming around many months ago. This administration can stonewall Congressional subpoenas and there’s just not much to be done about it. This administration.


The moment sobpoenas became negotiable, it became meaningless.


Subpeona, strap her to the rack, and start cranking. Enough.

Shouldn’t that be “Noble” Prizes?

And the “book” room can just have the dust jackets - that’s all he looks at.

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Nicely done

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That’s really insulting and I can’t stop laughing.


We have BINGO! here.

It’a all a joke to these people.

Well they finally voted to certify the vote in MI after hours of silly nonsense. 3-1. Another loss for The Royal Tangerine.


Respectfully, you are mistaken in multiple respects, although entitled to extra points for the confidence with with you expressed your view.

shut yer gob and finish eatin’ yer freedom fries


Ah. Then enlighten me. Will Ms. Murphy in fact be arrested by the sergeant at arms and imprisoned under the Capitol if she defies a subpoena?

Oh, and I can back up what I say. You haven’t, so far. Your own confidence is impressive in its own right but so far you’re just talking—how to put it—through your hat.

Good. We shouldn’t get desensitized to this constant flouting of the rule of law, accountability, and just having people doing their goddamn job. And we need to hold on to that anger both now and after January 21, in the face of the “look forward, not backward” gaslighting that will then commence.

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I want every journalist to ask every Republican member of Congress, when are Congressional subpoenas optional? Because that is basically what the Trump administration has done for the past 2 years (since the Democrats have controlled the House). When are Congressional subpoenas optional? Imagine how many Republican heads would have exploded if Hilary Clinton just ignored her subpoena about Benghazi? Or James Comey? Democrats need to fix this NOW!!! If the power of Congressional subpoena is optional, then that basically renders the subpoena power obsolete.