Grassley Defends Whistleblower Again | Talking Points Memo

It is always news when a Republican says anything that remotely sounds like sticking up for a principle. Democrats can do this all day long and no one raises an eyebrow, but when a Republican does it, it is news and then they get held up as an example of integrity.

OF COURSE whistle-blowers should be protected! The fact that he even feels the need to say it is a sad comment in and of itself.


Me, too – I still wonder.


I hope his violation of his oath becomes a central theme. Trump and the Rs have put so much chaff in the air, and so successfully have put the focus on irrelevant minutiae, that Americans have lost the thread. Just keep repeating: Trump has violated, repeatedly and brazenly, his oath to uphold the Constitution. If that´s not a high-crime or misdemeanor for Congress to throw him out, nothing is.