Graham Shrugs Off Potential Ethics Probe Amid GA Debacle: ‘I’m Just Going To Keep Being Me’ | Talking Points Memo

Moreover, in the context of the dynamics of the GA runoffs, it mutes the RWNJ fervor (against what they see as “out of control Dems”).


Were it up to me Graham would “just be me” while he serves a nice stint in a federal prison.


That is how I read it as well. And I am pretty sure Joe understands the mood of his voters.


Well yeah.

If Biden was not Biden but John Brown and thundered from his bully pulpit-elect that we were going to war on the GOP, that would tend to incite the Georgia GOP voters.

Graham Shrugs Off Potential Ethics Probe Amid GA Debacle: ‘I’m Just Going To Keep Being Me’

“I’m just going to keep being me an asshole.”

Same thing.

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OT—It never rains but what it pours!



Translation: I’m just going to keep being a corrupt lying Senator and protecting Trump because he has the ‘goods’ on me and I don’t want to be ‘outed’.


Lindsey Graham was a JAG in the armed forces. Has he forgotten that he took an oath to protect and defend the country? Unless he’s having seances with Strom Thurmond that includes our election laws.


I used to think that Cohen caught Lindsay with a dead twink in his trunk. Now I’m thinking he had two dead twinks in there.


Well gosh Linds…that’s the PROBLEM. ‘Just being you’ seems to have given Trump ammunition against you…

First decent laugh I’ve had all day.


Antidope = Factccine


Graham also told CNN on Wednesday that seeking investigations into states that Trump won is “not in question” so it isn’t an issue for him.

“We’re looking at states where there’s a contest,” Graham told CNN. “I’m not looking at states that he lost. I’m looking at states where there’s a challenge.”

Well, FFS. I was just wondering the other day if there were a more egregious example of extending privilege in a vacuum of self-awareness than Trump’s covid-19 treatment experience. But this from Graham is a contender.

If the default ethical position is “the incumbent is always the winner, and challenges to the status quo always lose” then we have a seriously incapacitated ship of ethics. We’re going down with the rising tide.

I am fine with Lindsey taking the “you do you” approach, but god help me if the rest of the senate and the committee chairs let this slide, I’m going to do something rash. Like eat an entire (extra) pint of ice cream.


Why would Graham be worried? This is the same Senate that refused to hear a single witness in the impeachment of the sitting President. The chance of Graham being censured by a Senate Ethics committee is somewhere south of zero IMO. No legs.

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According to the internets, he’s just willing in general.

"… I’m just going to keep being me,”

Oh, so you’re going to keep on being the lying, hypocritical, compromised, venom-spewing, duplicitous, Trump-shit eating, racist, self-hating closet case you’ve always been? No one here was expecting you to be anything else, Lindsey, especially not an honest human being.

And if you’re going to keep being you, perhaps you should show up in the Senate chamber like this:

Lindsey GWTW

Bibi ain’t gonna let him take troops out of Iraq. It must have cost plenty just to get Bush to bring them there.

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I can’t imagine saying he wants no investigations is exiting Georgia Democratic voters. Sure isn’t exciting me.

While pissants like Lindsey continue to mewl and whine over already well-counted votes, where the outcome will not be changed, real people are DYING from a fucking PLAGUE.

Emily Murphy, grow a damn spine and do your fucking job!!!