Graham Follows Through On Challenge To Fulton County DA Subpoena

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) followed through on an agreement he reached with Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis last week. Graham is now seeking to move his challenges to the legality of the subpoena Willis issued in her special grand jury’s investigation to district court in Georgia, Graham’s lawyers said in a court filing on Friday.

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Of course Lindsey Graham challenged it. That’s what magats do. I wouln’t be surprised if he tried to move the case to probate or family court, if the thought he could find a friendlier court in one of those venues. Lindsey challenged it because magats are the world’s finest patriots, don’tcha see…


What a load of horseshit.


Again with this absolute immunity thing that TFG started. There’s no such thing.


He raises the lack of extraordinary circumstances necessitating the testimony of a high-ranking government official,” Graham’s lawyers wrote. “In cases of this kind, Congress did not leave its Members to litigate federal and constitutional defenses in state court, but instead gave them the right of removal.”

I’ll give him some extraordinary circumstances: The first time a sitting president has corruptly interfered in a state’s elections (that we know of). Intimidation of a state election official. Bribery of a state election official.

ALL crimes of which YOU TOO may be guilty.

Just testify and answer “Fifth” to everything, and get it over with, you TWAT!!!1!!1!!!


So Graham’s argument is any MoC or Senator can say anything they want anywhere and it falls under speech and debate?

I call bullshit.


absolute legislative immunity and privilege to hide anything I want


I thought all the magats want things to be decided at the state level. Matters like whether voters can receive water while standing in line, whether fake electors can be used (instead of electors who will cast electoral votes for the choice of the voters.) Oh yeah, and whether a district has been gerrymandered.

Seems a little inconsistent to ask for a federal court.


My client wasn’t soliciting a bribe when he asked for a briefcase of Benjamins in addition to a hefty contribution to his Freedom America PAC, your Honor. He was simply engaging in legislative debate.


So does the Speech and Debate Clause

If Proxmire wasn’t protected for THAT, how could Graham be protected for trying to steal a state’s election?


Using hard-fought rights in order to aid a rights-removing fascist.

Right in front of us.


“They said Graham seeks to quash the subpoena because he argues that he has “absolute legislative immunity and privilege” under the Constitution’s speech or debate clause.”

I guess that depends on what he said. Let’s find out.


At this point, he’s in CYA mode. He should be convicted and see prison time, or at the very least, be forced to plead the 5th repeatedly.


How pathetic! If John McCain were alive, he would be embarrassed that he had befriended Graham and mentored him. Instead of being on the side of the angels, Graham (a retired USAF Reserve Retiree) has thrown in his lot with the Orange Asshole, a draft dodger who insulted McCain, an American hero. Hopefully Trump will be in Hell to welcome Graham, when his time comes. Sad!


My recollection is Rep. Jody Hice just tried something comparable and it was rejected by the court. ( .)
I can’t see why Lindsey would try it, as well, unless he needs to buy time get his passport in order or have his pearls restrung. (ed.)


Shorter Lindsey (using the Meghan McCain Defense): “Do you know who my daddy was?!”


Raffensperger already told us:

Graham acknowledged calling Raffensperger but denied improper intent. He said he called to learn how signatures are verified on mailed ballots.

Raffensperger said Graham asked on the call whether political bias could have prompted poll workers to accept ballots with nonmatching signatures. The senator pressed the secretary of state to audit ballot-envelope signatures — and wondered if all ballots should be tossed in counties that yielded high discrepancy rates, since it would be impossible to toss only the affected ballots, which are separated from their envelopes before counting to protect voter privacy, according to Raffensperger.

Raffensperger said at the time he was stunned that Graham appeared to suggest that he find a way to toss legally cast ballots. Absent court intervention, Raffensperger didn’t have the power to do what Graham suggested because counties administer elections in Georgia.

“It sure looked like he was wanting to go down that road,” Raffensperger said at the time.

Now, all I’m wondering is if Graham is more worried about incriminating Trump, or incriminating HIMSELF? Appears to be worrying more about himself, as the reasons he gives to fight the subpoena are all self-serving. Wallis could make a deal and restrict all questions only to the Trump/Raffensperger call.

Would be entertaining to hear his response to that.


Younger v. Harris, 401 U.S. 37 (1971): Federal courts are supposed to decline to hear cases involving matters pending in state criminal court even if the federal case presents a question of federal constitutional law.


So, so true. How can there be a law against a Senator, or any citizen asking a government official to throw away a few thousands of ballots? How can that be criminal?

It’s not like Linds asked the guy to incarcerate all the folks who voted for Biden.

Georgia is a reliable Red State, asking the election officials to preserve that long tradition can’t be criminalized. He was just seeking to uphold traditional Georgian values: White Supremacy, and Rule by the Wealthy.


Lord above, am I tired of these assholes.