We all know who his ‘daddy’ is, and he’s orange.
New Supreme Court?
Hard to believe that Lynn Cheney is what courage looks like in today’s GO…
I just threw up in my mouth.
Yes, it was in Donnie’s annotated Pocket Constitution.
We know it’s legitimate because it’s written in Sharpie.
Upcoming Opinion of the Court: “Different times, different Supreme Court, argle-bargle, something-something, Proxmire was a Democratic, Republicans win because reasons. Whatareyougonnadoaboutit. The end.”
The bar’s been lowered so much they hafta limbo under it.
(Soon, they’ll need shovels.)
Glad you used the word rule.
It is a GOP word
The crime is a state crime. What is the legal theory for removing his challenge to Federal Court? Does he expect to be dealt a Federalist Society judge with full MAGA credentials?
When I was a collegian and a buddy of mine and I had to drive cross-country, I was thinking about lots of things.
Being ruled wasn’t one of them.
I don’t know. This very SCOTUS has not been kind to Trump’s shenanigans.
And Mr. Graham is now “Head” Shenanigan of TrumpCo.
Why would they step in that flea-infested puddle now?
A measly Speech and Debate Claus case? THIS SCOTUS???
They’re far too busy making sure contraception is verboten.
Graham Follows Through On Challenge To Fulton County DA Subpoena
…as innocent people doing the publics work often do.
The IOKIYAR Theory.
(It’s GOP gospel.)
I second that motion.
MOC: I’ve got the downpayment. Here’s $5,000.
FBI agent posing as contract killer: How do you want the deed carried out?
MOC: I want you to shoot her in the parking garage of the hospital where she’s a nurse.
FBI: Couldn’t you just divorce her?
MOC: Divorce is totally against my religion.
Graham’s argument is that there’s nothing illegal about this conversation since it’s a Member of Congress putting out the hit.
He’s been subpoena’d to testify. He isn’t a named defendant. Yet.
I wonder, when Fay Boy calls does Miss Lindsey roll onto her back for a nice tummy rub? Good girl.
I do not believe that “absolute legislative immunity and privilege” applies to criminal acts. Someone ought to take this little twit out behind the barn and teach him how the world works when he not busy fluffing Trumpy.
There will be if/when the case gets to SCOTUS.
Well, this is utterly, if predictably, lawless. Basically, his argument is that members of Congress are immune from prosecution if the offense entails the utterance of words.
But Graham and others like him will tie the courts up, challenging on this or that misinterpreted law, in the hopes of progressing to SCOTUS where Graham and others like him will be vindicated.
Opens the door to the next J6 opportunity, with the full knowledge that they will be operating under the full extent of the law.
I want to believe this isn’t the scenario we’re headed to, but then again I believed everyone when they insisted Roe was settled law.