Gottheimer Won’t Commit To Backing BBB If CBO Score Doesn’t Match With WH Analysis

Please stop calling these obstructionist assholes “moderates.” There’s nothing “moderate” about their bullshit. They’re part of the radical Reich who’ve never met a tax cut they didn’t love but god forbid the government wants to spend a hundred bucks helping the average Joe. They’re in congress to do the bidding of the rich assholes who hold the other end of their leash. What the hell is “moderate” about that?


The rich assholes pay the D’s less than they pay the R’s so in the world of moral relativism they’re moderates?

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The “Save the Future and Fuck Trump Act.” SAFFTA!


“Well Donald, it’s like this. When a boy Trumper and a girl Trumper like each other ……”


The rich assholes who hold the other end of his leash don’t want the bill, so he’ll vote against it. He’s not there to represent the people who voted for him. He’s there to do the bidding of the people who own him.

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I think we are stuck with BBB but Build America’s Future is a bit better and maybe captures the entire program?


Plus, the MSM is completely lost unless they can maintain and follow a consistent narrative even if it’s bullshit, like James Gregory in “The Manchurian Candidate.”


Gottheimer is waving his dick cuz there’s an audience for that. I’ll bet he gets in line cuz he’s got nothin’ and no where to go. He thinks he’s cute. He’s a dime a dozen opportunist. It’ll come come back to bite him in the ass cuz karma.

Okay, maybe not. But I comfort myself with fantasies of justice.


As long as it’s not:


He’s my gov and you are being way too kind. Far left? WTF? No-necked motherfucker.


Interesting how language is used -
Progressives are not moderates in today’s Democratic Party.
But we should be.
The moderates we are talking about are conservative by left wing standards.
Progressives - essentially capitalist who are in favor of universal health care and a robust safety net are moderate by left wing standards
And true socialist - which we really don’t have any in higher office - would be considered the true far left

But yeah, Democrats who are anti environmental policies and social programs are “moderate”


Man of the People!

Liar inside a fleece vest. He released his tax forms after the campaign.


OT: Interesting thread on Covid status in the U.S. It’s a bit mixed but better than a year ago.


Hogan is being dragged on twitter.


Hogan calling BBB “far left” is just code for “socialism.”

Translated, this means childcare, child tax credits, and universal pre-K are bad because the wrong people – all those POC, immigrants, and libruls – will get it too. So you conservative folks shouldn’t want it. Better that you should suffer, rather than spend government money on people you hate.


In this environment, the one that’s existed for the last 30 or 40 years, you have to remember that nothing a GOP politician says is said in good faith and nothing a GOP voter says has any relationship to reality. The Democrats could commit themselves over the next 30 or 40 years to a frugality that would make Silent Cal speak up and say, “Look, guys, remember you can’t take it with you,” and still those politicians and voters would say there go the tax-and-spend Demonrats again trying to beggar my grandchildren blah blah blah. Nothing will change that. But it’s so unserious that substantial help for those people and their communities might actually feed a grudging acknowledgement that life is better when Democrats are running things. It’s the right thing to do anyway, so it might be the gimmick we’re looking for.


It’s red-baiting, an old GOP strategem. FDR was a victim…


Correct … Gottheimer is party to an “assurance” that was given to Biden … but it is no surprise that he won’t “commit” to a reporter who has asked him to basically put his head in a woodchipper while awaiting pending information that may be revealed in a week ? Two weeks? … and information that is not simply binary … it will be nuanced and complex … it could be a non issue if the analysis is favorable … or it may have an assortment of interpretive elements that provide those like Gottheimer with plenty of wiggle room …

The House will not be the choke point for BBB … they will get this done … there may be a Democrat that votes no … but the numbers to pass will be there … just like they were on Friday ( even with 6 Democrats symbolically voting no)
What do people expect him to say RIGHT NOW? - in advance of the info … He is not going to say today “Oh sure … forget everything I have been saying … I tell you today I am now a complete BBB groupie … I will support it now matter how it scores out” .


Gotteheimer working to demonstrate that the Squad and their friends were right to distrust him. What do his colleagues have to say?


Not long ago, we couldn’t care less what this guy thought. If fact, outside of New Jersey, no one knew or cared who he was. Now, he matters because he’s a spanner in the works, but not because anyone cares who he is or what he thinks. He must be so proud of himself! He’s become a tool!