GOP Stunts Cement Its Status As The Pro-Pandemic And Pro-Insurrection Party | Talking Points Memo

Not surprised at all, those guys are bunch of racist fascists thugs.


The G Party will be much shorter in duration than the Tea Party. Delta is calling the shots. I would advise Nancy (and the House leadership) to take thorough precautions in her Chamber.


Mine follows the news but mostly what’s in the local newspaper and sometimes the NYT though not in depth.

I keep buying him books like “Dark Money” and “Dark Towers” to get him to look deeper. He usually puts up with my political donations but last year he was egging me on to do more so I know a trump election was really bothering him.


I suspect closing time for the G party will take place sometime the end of next year - when hopefully the constituents of their respective districts say ‘enough’.


Cadet Bone Spurs calls cops pussies?? What a loser!!


Nate doesn’t have a good analogy here.

Having said that the media seem to be reading more into the leaked CDC report than there is there.

  1. Chickenpox reference: worth remembering that chickenpox is well managed by vaccines.

  2. While exponential increase in the so called breakthrough infections is expected because of Delta - these are going to be still tiny numbers as at present we get 27 hospitalizations for breakthrough infections per 1 million vaccinated. Even if the number quadruples, it’s a still tiny number in context of other infection and vaccination rates. This is still the epidemic of unvaccinated.

  3. A lot is said about unexpected infectious character of breakthrough cases. I personally don’t understand what is unexpected here.

IF you get infected despite being vaccinated then logically the virus had to work harder to achieve that. Hence your viral load is likely going to be higher than that of the unvaccinated. IF.

The thing is thou, it’s lot, lot harder to infect you than the unvaccinated. The major vectors of the epidemic are going to be the unvaccinated.

So, do they refer to enormous viral loads they encountered in the breakthrough cases? (Likely.) Or do they say the asymptomatic cases (which in vaccinated are not considered infection) also spread disease? How is that possible if the virus doesn’t reproduce?

So I don’t know what is meant by unexpected character. I’d like to find out more, when I do, I’ll have an opinion. I haven’t read the Princeton study yet.

But I don’t see evidence that the report is based only on some extreme Princeton study as Nate suggest. He’s not read statistics on breakthrough infections. That’s why it seems alarming to him. The epidemiologists have that context in mind without elaborating on it.

  1. The masking findings are interesting: 40-50% reduction of infection risk to others if you are infected and wear a mask. 20-30% reduction for inbound infection. These percentages are very much tied to the model so not necessarily reality. But it’s a good measure when taking about masking in general.

We know Delta is much more dangerous than other variants. So this report doesn’t really add substantially new stuff to what we know. I suppose seeing the findings may be startling for those who don’t pursue the subject. Bottom line: if you are vaccinated not much changed. Don’t go crazy and you’ll be ok.


Kinky, and frothy too.

Well, he would be right if he called Melanomia, “Just a pussy.”

South Dakota makes stupid a verb with their grand daddy of all super spreader events. The highly contagious delta variant will ride in too. Count on it.
Bonus - big sale on used Harleys this fall.


In the Times today: The Delta variant is more transmissible than the viruses that cause MERS, SARS, Ebola, the common cold, the seasonal flu and smallpox, and it is as contagious as chickenpox, according to the CDC document.


Sturgis went on last year too at the height of the virus. Lots of infections; some deaths - I didn’t see an over-abundance of bikes on sale anywhere. I bet more of these folks are vaccinated than they will admit to, being somewhat older than the median age of Americans.


I would agree, but I’m also inclined to think that his minions and supporters have no fear of the Almighty either. If they did, they certainly wouldn’t be as willing to violate their oaths of office, the basic tenets of their religion, and human decency. It doesn’t help that headline writers love the word “vows” since it only has four letters. Among other things, TFG and his ilk are trying to strip the meaning of the terms “oath” or “vow” so they don’t have to recognize that they are breaking a promise to the G*d they pretend to revere.


Their definition of g*d and our definition of G-d are much different - opposite ends of the spectrum different. They believe their g&d is alive and living at Mar-a-Dumpo.


Gaetz was taking a tour of his possible future residence.


They already are


And here’s Kevin McCarthy using a Qanon catch phrase. This is madness.
… … …
McCarthy said “Pelosi thinks there’s a storm coming” Well, it is here and ot is called the Delta variant. Data shows that vaccinated folks who get the virus carry as much and are as able at spreading virus as are the unvaccinated. It’s just that we vaccinated will get milder cases.
The original virus lineage was as transmissible as a cold is. The delta spreads like Chicken Pox. Where the original type infected person infected 2 or 3 others, the delta person infects 8 or 9. My source is the CDC which will be publishing this data soon.

Mask up people.
And please be careful!!!


RIP, Carl Levin. I thought this part of the WaPo obit describes him well.

In an era of ever-worsening partisanship, Mr. Levin stood out for his ability to work across the aisle. With McCain, he produced an annual defense-authorization bill that won bipartisan support. Mr. Levin brought that same cooperative approach to the investigations subcommittee.

“Levin today is looking even better in retrospect,” Loren Thompson, a national security expert at the right-leaning Lexington Institute think tank, said several years after the lawmaker’s retirement. “He was a model of what a legislator was supposed to be. He was a consensus builder; he was intellectual, and he was not reflexively ideological.”

We need to get back to that if our government is to survive and thrive.


Don’t Sweat Sinema’s Antics

Oh, I won’t. I will, however, be working here in AZ to defeat that performative bitch in the 2024 primary.


It probably is. And his leadership and caucus will be left to rubble. He’s terrified. Seriously.


They. Don’t Care. Own the libs in service to a brain-addled, twice-impeached, loser game show host. That is their prime directive. And they’re sticking to it.