GOP Senator Hits Back At Fauci With ‘FAUCI Act’ For Hot Mic ‘Moron’ Remark | Talking Points Memo

Fauci proved his professional competency by accurately diagnosing this guy in mere minutes: Marshall actually is a moron.


I gUess his Staff waS able to finD Fauci’ s dIsclosur after all.


In another thread I opined that the legacy institutional press is not so much anti Democratic Party as they are “pro-wealth.” And anti-labor. I can’t think of a single major US news outlet that highlights stories about labor causes. When was the last time that a labor leader was on MTP?

I honestly think that if Joe Manchin were pres., they’d gush all over him.


Doesn’t this come under “abuse of power” when you use you position to get back at someone who rightfully made you look like the uninformed fool that you are?


How has nobody pointed out out that he misspelled “ta[x] payers” in the headline photo??

Ed: he’s 1 for 2 on getting it right, check the top-left corner

Ed Ed: I’d be willing to concede that perhaps Tay Payers is an alias for Tay Swift


Doesn’t matter as long as it cuts the number of minority (and liberal) voters.

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Has Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) revealed his finances??
And many a senator make more than $400,000. The base pay of a member of either chamber is $174,000 and that is taxpayer money. Dr Fauci is the head of NIAID which one would expect to be paid more than $15/hr. And Dr Fauci’s finances have been public knowledge for decades. So, this senator is a whiny n00b in my estimation.


Not in federal salary.


The point being this senator is whining about Fauci’s well deserved income that has been public knowledge. The senator is reacting to a well deserved point that Fauci made on a hot mike. But you are correct.


Heck, some newspapers USED to have positions called “Labor Reporters”.

Long gone.


Certainly much more appropriate…


This is actually a good idea. Dems in the House should expand it to include all Reps and Senators and the President. Full financial disclosure with heavy fines and possible expulsion for not complying. Let the GQP vote on that.


Who are the “Tay Payers”, moron?


Yep, especially considering the government needs to pay this much at the top levels to retain qualified people, instead of losing them to private businesses. Of course the MAGAt crowd doesn’t realize this, so expect Fauci’s salary to be an ongoing talking point in the RWNJ mediasphere.


“Tay”, an acronym for “thinking about you” was Microsoft’s interactive chatterbot that lasted less than a day when it was duped into writing offensive posts and taken down.


Speaking of COVID, as rough as this Omicron tsunami wave has been, it does seem to be playing out in a way that validates Biden’s strategy.

The real danger or unknown from Omicron was the impact of breakthrough infections among the vaxxed but not boosted. What we’re seeing is that there have been a lot of breakthrough infections, which is the reason why we see such spikes to 1M cases per day, but the hospitalizations and deaths are still very much dominated by the unvaxxed. The ratios appear similar to Delta. That tells us that the primary vaccination series is providing a good measure of protection against the worst consequences, even if folks have bad symptoms or bad ‘mild’ COVID experiences. That’s better than I expected. Unfortunately, our booster rates are very low, so expect COVID cases to plateau but not have the cliff like drop that we had hoped for. Still, vaxxed folks are largely going to be protected and can resume or continue to live a normal life. The boosted have a much lower level of infections and hospitalizations (though we all know someone who has been boosted and gotten infected). I will say, anecdotally, get the booster. I personally know of 8 families where 1 person got infected w/a breakthrough on the primary vaccination series, but no one else got infected did b/c the parents were boosted.

The unvaxxed are getting hit just as hard by Omicron. What Omicron lacks in potency, it makes up for in sheer volume. We can see from the NY data that Omicron is finding the pockets of unvaxxed wherever they exist. In NYC, the number of people with incidental covid in hospitals was 50% (meaning people who were admitted for other reasons, showed no clear symptoms but tested positive for COVID b/c every hospital tests every patient for COVID whether they have symptoms or not). That 50% number makes sense b/c NYC has a very high vaxx rate. There just aren’t many unvaxxed there. In upstate NY, however, we see hospitalizations for COVID break about 70% unvaxxed to 30% vaxxed. That’s reflective of Omicron finding the remaining pockets of unvaxxed and sending them to the hospital.

Although a number of schools/colleges have had delayed starts or had to close, well over 90% are open and those that went hybrid or virtual will likely return by Feb. That’s a good sign overall. I have seen a much lower level of economic activity in Jan vs Dec, but it may pick up towards the end of the month as a number of people are hunkering down to wait out the Omicron wave. However, those folks will be back out by mid Feb or March.

We’re at around 1 million infections/day if you estimate the number of unreported at home tests and add it to the around 750k-800k that we’re seeing right now. As Omicron moves out of the big metro areas and into the rural/exurb areas, I’d expect cases to go down to around the 300k-400k level but deaths to remain pretty steady at 1500-2000 per day and may be even spike for a bit before plateauing. The vast majority of these deaths will be among the unvaxxed. The COVID pill, which is expected to be widely available, may ratchet down deaths further if widely used, but I still think the unvaxxed will continue to die at a similar level.

We have around 63M eligible unvaxxed folks in the US. If you assume we’ll average 700k infections a day (smoothing out the peaks and valleys) from Jan 1 to March 5 (9 weeks), I’d estimate that at least half are among unvaxxed folks, which is 350k/day, 2.45 M per week and 22M over the 9 weeks up to March 5. That reduces the number of unvaxxed and not previously or recently infected to 41M. Keep in mind that a sizable number will die. On top of that, we are getting about 350k newly vaxxed per day, which again adds another 22M, and reduces the number of at-risk unvaxxed down to 19M.

That’s pretty close to herd immunity levels (the hard way) in time for Biden’s State of the Union. (note: Even if you reduce the case estimate, the at risk unvaxxed number probably doesn’t exceed 35M, which is pretty close to 90% effective herd immunity).




When somebody attacks Fauci or a member of his family this goon will be the first to leap in front of a microphone and blame Fauci.


“The FAUCI Act would require the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) to provide public access of financial disclosures for administration officials such as Fauci as well as a list of government officials whose financials records are not public.”
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Certain senators too?
This senator is a tad late in Fauci’s case. And it would be amusing to see this BS go down to defeat because of the filibuster.


Great eyes!! Yours!