Whenever I’m troubled by the number of people who buy into republican crap, I know I can find comfort in the responses to every stupid tweet by Cornyn.
This is perplexing, whenever anyone from the GOP was asked about an insane Trump tweet, they had no idea what the questioner was talking about, but they read Biden’s tweets? It’s almost like there’s a double standard…or hypocrisy in play… /s
Shorter John Cornyn: “It is a Bad Thing that America’s enemies like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un cannot comb through the President’s Twitter feed to determine his daily psychological state or gain clues as to which flattery tactics their foreign agents can use to curry favor with him.”
In fact, I’m not sure he even actually exists. He may just be a creation of the Deep State. Has anyone seen him and Max Headroom in a room at the same time?
Perhaps the Senator from Texas ought to spend more time educating his state’s Republican Party members that they can’t secede from the United States (unfortunately for the rest of us in many ways). In fact, I don’t blame them, but actually blame President Polk for the current situation. I know, President Polk did reform the national banking system (that was ultimately replaced by the Federal Reserve Bank), did secure the Oregon Territory from the British, as well as deal with some important tariff issues, but he really blew it with the Texas thing. And we’re still paying for it. LBJ was an important Senator and President, but his actions drove the conservative Southern Democrats into the Republican Party and started the trajectory of their current implosion against rational thought and humanistic governance for anyone but “their type”. So on balance, meh.