GOP Rep. Reed Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection After Sexual Misconduct Allegation

Yeah, they must have had something bigger that they threatened to use against him.


There’s a “rest of the story” thing we haven’t heard, yet.


who unhooked who’s bra really isn’t the issue here

leads to me to believe there are tape or witnesses

and of course I wanna spend more time with my family


Now I can’t stop hearing Paul Harvey’s voice.

Good day


Usual pattern with these scumbags:

  1. “I didn’t do it!”
  2. “I don’t remember it!”
  3. “OK, I remember it, but is mischaracterized/misconstrued.”
  4. “OK, I did it, but I regret if my actions caused someone pain.”
  5. “OK, I’m sorry that I caused you pain, but opiates/alcohol/distraction excuse me.”
  6. “OK, I’ll resign and then ‘seek treatment’.”
  7. [mere weeks later] “OK, I made amends and found Jeebus.”
  8. [mere months later] “I’m running for election because I’m convinced my base has the attention span of hamsters.”

So it will take a huge bite out of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. … yeah… just jump in and slay the giants … just like
The USFL took a bite out of the NFL
TRUMP AIR bit Delta
TRUMP steaks carved off a piece of Omaha steaks
TRUMP casinos …
Things Trump jumps into on “gut instinct” - tend to fail epically
When starting from scratch - with little to no experience/ institutional knowledge … and zero patience… and a huge compulsive inclination to jump in and overtule / micromanage the scant few individuals with prior experience … Trump tends to fail … colossally.


I cant see this and not think of the Trump Spawn…

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powerless over alcohol

Finns have a term, “moral hangover”.


And hopefully somehow also get rid of Claudia Tenney!

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Hoping no one would say it publicly. Republicans are used to everyone around them being both compliant and complicit.


TWO WEEKS!!! It’s coming soon. Just like the Republican Health Care Plan.


the reason…“UNTIL he was viably accused he thought he could run against someone that he denigrated and mocked for doing the same thing …” is because yes, he could have done. They all do this kind of thing.-- don’t mean only sexual hanky-panky, I mean publicly condemn whatever behaviors in others they are hoping are never found out in their own past or present.

Ha ha that is so spot on, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he skips your 8 Step Program, or the AA 12 Step Program…and goes from “I won’t be seeking re-election” to just lying low until it is ‘declare as candidate’ time with “I’m back in the running for election because I’m convinced my base has the attention span of hamsters and the morals of Botfly parasitical larvae.”

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Everybody else has a term for it too - alcoholism.


My suggested redraw would basically turn her district into a blue district. She could fight it out with Elise Stefanik in the Northern Adirondack district.

Another option here is to extend Anthony Delgado’s 19th district westward to Binghamton and then put Ithaca and Syracuse in the same district. That puts Binghamton and Syracuse into Lean/Likely Dem districts.

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Launched a billion bowls of Captain Crunch.

Chortled a couple tablespoons of orange EmergenC through my sinuses thank you vary much, guess that’s what I get for scrolling through the Hive and drinking on an exercise bike…
Thinking of you as more of a Count Chocula kind of guy though…?

I recall hearing that the Corning product was first used to protect the nose of ballistic missiles from reentry heat. Just in case some one needed to know.

I broke a plate of it once in my youth, tiny little shards everywhere.

M. Paul

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As a resident of NY-21, please - we don’t need that district to be any “redder.” What we need to do is vote out that unctuous, treasonous hypocrite Stefanik. But I guess that on us voters to do that.


Never.miss a chance to blame a Democrat for a Republican’s bad actions, do you?

Cuomo has enough problems without taking on Reed’s.

What I hope is that the Epstein tapes surface and Trump faces justice.


What I hope is that the Epstein tapes surface and Trump faces justice.

Nothing wrong with dreaming. For me, I’d trade that dream to see his kids go to jail.

Nice to be on the right side of things. There will be waves of pain coming to what’s left of the Trump family. we will all have the opportunity to enjoy 2-3 years of rolling legal battles, watching the Trump empire go bankrupt.