GOP Rep Gripes Jan. 6 Commission Is ‘Tainted’ By Politics After GOP Senators Tank Bipartisan Bill | Talking Points Memo

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) on Sunday was grilled on his opposition to the Jan. 6 commission bill, despite previously voting for a commission to investigate a 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya.

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“I want those responsible to be held accountable and put behind bars. And I want all the answers as to what happened on January 6, and then report it to Congress,” McCaul said.

Shorter McCall: Let’s cut the pawns loose to face the music, while letting the brains behind the insurrection walk.

Let the DoJ do what it needs to do, but Congress has a larger obligation -to get the full picture behind 1/6. Let’s not let the party actively involved in the insurrection dictate the terms of the investigation.


What is needed is a truly independent commission to investigate the events of January 6, and what led to that dark day. A commission should be comprised of retired federal judges elected from a pool of suitable candidates. To be considered each candidate must receive a majority of votes from all retired federal judges nominated by Republican presidents AND a majority of votes from retired judges nominated by Democratic presidents. It might be as close as we can come to a truly indecent commission. It must have subpoena power and receive adequate financial and staffing resources. Set a time limit of one year to produce a report that must have an unclassified version. It must be released to the public when finished, regardless of election timing.


Bastard sounds scared.


“Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) on Sunday was grilled on his opposition to the Jan. 6 commission bill, despite previously voting for a commission to investigate a 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya.”

Republicans are shameless, treasonous, hypocritical derp-nozzles.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


You’re too kind!


And here we thought our government was chaotic…


The taint here is political objection from the Party of Booth* to any truth that shows them to be behind their insurrection. *Formerly the Party of Lincoln. That would be J W Booth, a big second amendment fan.


The GOP is rotten to the core. Rotten. Rotten to the core.


Of course you meant “selected” rather than “ejected” right?

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I dunno, the Benghazi commissions were pretty indecent.


GOP Rep Gripes Jan. 6 Commission Is ‘Tainted’ By Politics After GOP Senators Tank Bipartisan Bill

And so it begins - the complete and unmitigated discrediting of the process. Sadly, I’m not sure enough was made of this on the Sunday shows and in the media. Honestly, I can’t imagine why the media wouldn’t be behind these hearings and insist to the GQP that the coverage will be epic (because it will be). A chance for them to get their version of the truth in front of a whole lot of people - and a chance for us as the American people to see the GQP as they really are and put this nail in the coffin once and for all.


In the Kalevala there is an adventure of the young hunk Lemminkäinen to the Island of Women. Since the ladies don’t have much else to do, Lemminkäinen seduces all but one, a holdout maiden worried about being “tainted” by a casual encounter. As Lemminkäinen, the Brad Pitt of Finnish mythology, strolls back to his boat, she throws herself at him to inform him that she has changed her mind. “Sorry,” Lemminkäinen replies.

It’s that way for the GOP, screwing time is over and the Commission boat is leaving. This song should be playing throughout the halls of Congress.


There are not enough four letter explitives to describe GQP’ers. They are a bunch of lying, hypocritical, unethical assholes. Not to mention unamerican and-anti democratic.


Yes, thanks. I was in a hurry and didn’t proof read. There may be something to the hypothesis that spell check is really a gnome that desperately wants to help but is three sheets to the wind blind drunk.


Of course he is, he’s a Republican, the party of cowards!


And if this plays out that Bebe is no longer PM, he will then face prosecution for corruption. He’s already been charged.


No Republican face should go unslapped in this kind of interview. Really I’d prefer that every Republican go uninterviewed. They no longer deserve a voice in shaping public opinion since they have no interest in governance.


Jake Blues-level double talk.

Except the fact that these fukkers don’t have a lick of soul.


Indeed. Those responsible may or may not have committed prosecutable crimes. They still - maybe even moreso - have to be held accountable. DoJ can’t do that; a commission can and will.