Rep.-elect Luke Letlow (R-LA) on Wednesday was transferred to an intensive care unit to continue treatment for COVID-19.
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Rep.-elect Luke Letlow (R-LA) on Wednesday was transferred to an intensive care unit to continue treatment for COVID-19.
Meanwhile, FREEDUMB reigns…
And calling Kirk Cameron an “actor” is like calling Fat Nixon honest.
“Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.” -John Cleese, Fawlty Towers.
Nobody deserves this shit. Nobody.
LSU Health Sciences Center Chancellor G.E. Ghali said that Letlow is in stable condition in the ICU, where he is receiving the antiviral drug Remdesivir and steroids
Evidently he rated high enough on the Guardians Of Pandemics Odiousness Scale to qualify for Cadillac Care like Rudy and too many others. Nice to know he’ll be back shivving his constituents in the back in no time.
You mean there isn’t an Oscar for the best performance in a film about a perceived grievance?
I wholeheartedly disagree. Many are begging for it. What I disagree with is that they get cared for. Callous? You fucking bet. They’re taking up valuable real estate in our overwhelmed hospital system, space they neither deserve nor warrant.
Not even those who don’t give a shit that it happens to others? Or, worse, make it easier for it to happen to others? I may disagree with you, there.
But I understand the sentiment.
So the R after the name now stands for Remdesivir’s monoclonal antibody treatment? Good to know.
Remdesivir has become pretty standard treatment my cousin just got it when she was admitted and put on oxygen. She was released in 5 days and, sent home with oxygen
That’s good to hear. But I still have some doubt that it’s as easy to get as it should be, and needs to be. Everywhere.
Actually, that quote originated in the 1930s with the late Irvin S. Cobb from Paducah KY, who was noted for his trenchant wit.
His Twitter feed is full of photos like this:
Groups of unmasked people, indoors, with no social distancing.
Hosea 8:7: “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”
(It’s amazing how many self-proclaimed “Biblical Christians” don’t seem to have learned a damned thing from that book.)
Thoughts & Prayers. Oh, who am I kidding? Fuck those enablers.
How old is this Luke Letlow, anyway? Maybe it was mentioned in the article and I missed it.
You reap what you sow…and the universe would be fair if each Republican politician who advocated against masks and other protections for COVID ended up in the ICU. They don’t necessarily have to die, in fact it would be better if they didn’t and instead learned the lesson and came out to tell their followers that they had to take precautions and protect everyone.
Odds are if he does survive he’ll sound like Trump, claiming that strong beliefs in Christianity and anti-socialism is how you get around the hoax that is COVID…nevermind that whole socialism that is the health care saving his life.
Letlow is 41 years old.
Got word yesterday that a young man I bought a car from died of Covid 19. He appeared healthy without preconditions, in his 30s. I remember us talking about his young children. Just the sort of person the Administration wanted to catch it so we can all benefit from herd immunity. Apparently Covid doesn’t play favorites.
40 or 41, according to multiple sources
Actually, Remdesivir and steroids is more widely available. What he isn’t getting is the monoclonal antibodies that are supposed to be “compassionate use only” that Trump keeps getting for his best buds like Rudy.
From the FDA site’s FAQ on COVID 19
For which COVID 19 patients has been approved Remdesivir?
On October 22, 2020, the FDA approved the antiviral drug Veklury (remdesivir) for use in adults and pediatric patients (12 years of age and older and weighing at least 40 kg) for the treatment of COVID-19 requiring hospitalization
ETA: I see @morrigan_2575 beat me to it.