GOP Is Quick To Pounce On Another Anti-Trump Republican Running For Senate In Michigan

It appears Michigan and national Republicans are trying to avoid the repeat of a situation that plagued the party in the 2022 midterms as the GOP gears up for a crowded Republican Senate primary race in the state. A Republican has not captured a Michigan Senate seat since 1994.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

GOP is not quick to pounce.
They are quick to slither and ooze.
Pounce would be a manly act and they are not capable of manly.


White supremacy is dying a very slow, very protracted, very messy death.


Don’t you love the GOP mongrels biting each other?


I would say, “Republicans reflexively move to expel another moderate”.


It’s the collateral damage that’s worrrying.


Yes, it sure is.


So-called anti-Trumpers may be useful indicators of MAGA intensity in the same way a strip of Ph paper is an indicator of acidity but they are still Republicans so the chances they would be good for either their constituents or the nation remain poor.


Where the fuck did all of these people come from? It’s like a scifi story.


It cannot come too soon. May it be a painful death.


Yes, Meijer did the right thing on the impeachment vote, but he is now cravenly declaring that he will vote for trump in the 2024 general election.…


“The Michigan Republican Party remains neutral and supportive of all Republican Primary candidates. Unfortunately, an over-zealous intern posted a negative comment regarding a candidate…”

The comment from the “intern” wasn’t “negative.” It was merely a statement of fact. So much for remaining “neutral and supportive of all Republican Primary candidates.” Describing the “intern’s” comment as negative is the only “negative comment regarding a candidate” that I see here.


Is politics really that awesome that it’s worth your soul like this, especially for a rich guy like Meijer?


I wish that was true.


From the Salon article:

most white evangelicals sincerely believe that God designated America to be a promised land for white European Christians… Many conservative White Christians truly believe that they have a divine mandate and entitlement to the country.

The historical record clearly shows that white evangelicals have long had an instrumental, rather than principled, relationship to democracy. As long as there were super majorities of White Christian people in the country, they could pay lip service to the principles of democracy knowing that they had sheer numbers that would guarantee an outcome in their favor.


It is true. It’s messy and protracted, and causing unnecessary suffering for thousands.

But white supremacy is, quite literally, dying. Faster than progressivism or blue states.

(NB: I live in the reddest of red states. I know what I’m talking about)


I live in a blood-red state, too.
I don’t see what you’re seeing.
Please note that i’m not suggesting you’re not seeing what you said you’re seeing, but that i don’t see what you are seeing. I see white nationalism stronger today than it’s been at any previous moment in my lifetime. It’s making me sick to see it, too.


Here are two comments from Washington Post articles about the Presidential contest:

I have been a proud, liberal Democrat since I first registered to vote in 1970. Biden’s people are whistling past the grave. Shuffling, bumbling, wheezing Biden needs to get out of the race so that we Democrats can nominate an alert, dynamic candidate who can win. Thank you, Joe, for your service, but it’s time to step aside.

(57 upvotes, including mine. The largest number for this particular article).
Here are some comments in another article (by Aaron Blake):

For a long time, my view on the 2024 election has been:

- If it is Biden vs Trump, Biden wins. I now think that this could turn out to be wrong.

- If it is some other Democrat vs Trump, the Democrat is very likely to win.

- If it is some other Republican vs Biden, the Republican will win.

- If neither Trump nor Biden are their party candidates, then we just don’t know.

I think Democrats are much better off not running Biden.


Remember: Biden’s term was supposed to be a “bridge” to the future. Pass the baton to others. But no, Biden’s hubris and DNC incompetence has made this election the Dems to lose. Young people and some persuadable voters who just can’t stand another geriatric term in office are not going to show up— and that will be that. It’s not about policy, it’s about style, as politics ALWAYS is. Hearts over minds win it every time. Axelrod, Carville and other pros are weighing in on this and agree.

It is literally insane that Biden is running. Even my (elderly, lifelong Dem) parents don’t understand it.


The Post comment pages are pretty liberal. For comments like this to get so many upvotes is quite a change over the situation even a week ago.


Moms for Liberty members call the cops on Florida librarians — Popular Information

Because nothing says “Liberty” quite so much as calling down government enforcers on a library.

“Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen.”

(Where they burn books, they will end up burning people, too.)

— Heinrich Heine