GOP Is Quick To Pounce On Another Anti-Trump Republican Running For Senate In Michigan

Such ageism sucks.

Biden is doing quite well.


It’s past time everyone realized that the Republicans ARE the party of Trump. They may not all act out like he does, but they all want the same things. The Republican party must be PURGED, hopefully with fire so intense there are none left.


They were always there.

TIFG made it possible for them to come out from under their rocks and out of their caves.

Getting them to go back in and under is a thankless task.

Someone needs to tell Prince Harry that he’s not eligible to serve in the US Senate.

Yes! Liz Cheney only appears moderate to Dems for one reason, being principled about 45 impeachment. However, on every policy issue she remains staunchly GOP and oppositional to Democrats platform.

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I wholeheartedly agree, it lives on in the hearts of the ancestors & progeny of those who lost the CivilWar…many of whom masquerade as EvangelicalChristians.

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I probably wouldn’t ever VOTE for Meijer but he SHOULD be the face of the ‘new’ Republican party…the one where they finally get rid of Trump and his sycophants and return to conservative ‘principles’. He is sane, charming, educated and wealthy.

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And you know what happens to those unfortunates that wear the “red shirt”?

…he’s no different than Liz Cheney…if GOP desired new face she would be it. Instead it’s Gaetz, TaylorGreene & newly elected SOH Johnson that are face of party.

Gaetz &MTG show their faces but Johnson is being portrayed as mild mannered wolve. He is a wolf, leader of the pack & every bit as ferocious as the pack he leads. He has their consistent predilection of warped sexuality, porn watcher with stepford wife who must be smokin hot sperm receptacle for all his sexual proclivities….which include him & son watching each others porn preferences.


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According to the interwebs the Millennials are now the largest cohort, surpassing the Boomers recently. I will surmise that they want to see one of their own in leadership, but when the oldest Millennial is 42 there is a lot they still have to learn.

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Most of the current Republican Party is rotten to its core.

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And it’s hellbent on taking everything else with it.

That’s why we engage actively with anti-authoritarian work.

Agree…the world is a tinderbox and dark horse youngster trying to replace experienced statesman/politician seems a bit hysterical to me. Were this 'shuffling bumbling. decrepit idea originates is partly GQP talking points and partly media looking for something to talk about IMO.

I remember them saying the same things about Nancy Pelosi— too old and step aside. (which she did) but anyone with less experience would have been unable to accomplish what the Biden administration has done. (on the part of both Nancy & Joe) –

The mess that pathetic-donald left behind didn’t ruin everything and kill more Covid infected people and crash the economy because of Biden, the team he assembled that the competent older people in our government.

Sheesh…the experience is an advantage…

I see someone mentioned he has stated he would vote for Trump in 2024, so he seems to have backed down from any principle he may have once had.

That out of the way I really have to question the sanity of anyone who would want to run as a Republican at this time. Run as an independent if you need to, I won’t vote for him, but some might.

The problem is that the HOUSE seems to want Gaetz, MTG, etc as their new ‘face’…but is that what Republican voters actually want?

…the GOP voters put MTG & Gaetz in Congress to represent them in repeated elections…so yes, it’s what GOP voters want.


If the voters didn’t want them, they wouldn’t continue to elect them.

It’s also a function of gerrymandering that these nincompoops really don’t even have to campaign - they win without even showing up.


I’m amazed the Michigan GOP can do anything. Aren’t they basically bankrupt? Are their lights still on? How are they meeting payroll?