GOP Guvs’ Anti-Immigration Theater Gets Weird With D.C. Bus Stunt


BTW. How many members of the Freedom Caucup are there?


One does wonder about the ones who weren’t sanctioned, but this feels like the 6 year-old screaming, “No, you’re grounded!” at his mother.


Right? Of course nobody is reporting the most important piece of information: who DIDN’T Russia sanction?


Just wanted to say that Abbot knows he’s lying when he says people weren’t coerced to get on those buses.


Now this calls for a gofundme!

People make great props. Har har.

It’s a scary morning when I find myself agreeing with Sid Miller.

In a strongly worded statement, Miller warned Gov. Greg Abbott that commercial vehicles are being forced to wait up to 12 hours to enter Texas from Mexico because of the stepped-up state inspections. As a result, Miller said, produce is rotting in idling trucks and ultimately, prices could spike for consumers.

“This is not solving the border problem, it is increasing the cost of food and adding to supply chain shortages,” said Miller, a two-term Republican who is up for reelection this year. “Such a misguided program is going to quickly lead to $2.00 lemons, $5.00 avocados and worse.”

Free article, same subject:

ETA I’m waiting to find out how small the Texas National Guard gets when the current members refuse to re-enlist.


Hair of the dog.




Duh. It’s jeesus.

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Jesus? That’s the dude who cuts the lawn, man.


From the end of the Dallas Morning News story:

The border wait times in Texas are forcing some truckers to try their luck in New Mexico. Miriam Kotkowski, president of Tecma Transportation Services, which manages a fleet of 80 commercial vehicles that move goods between Mexican factories and U.S. stores and factories, began to reroute her trucks into Santa Teresa, N.M., which straddles the Texas border, on Friday.

But for some, the detour to New Mexico was a bust. Across the border from the Santa Teresa Port of Entry on Tuesday afternoon, truck drivers frustrated about the stepped-up inspections blocked traffic in Mexico to protest the increased inspections.

New Mexico state authorities crossed the border to speak with the truckers, reminding them that they were not in Texas, said Pacheco.

“Our officials told them, ‘Look, New Mexico doesn’t have anything to do with Texas politics,” Pacheco said. “The protesters were very grateful because they said that they were the first state officials that had gotten down to talk to them from either side of the border.”

Governor Wheels is too busy setting up his next photo op to meet with mere truckers. If they would put MAGA and anti-vax signs on their rigs, Abbott would show up ASAP.


So, let’s see: Greg “Speed Racist” Abbott cannot send undocumented immigrants to DC who have not been processed by the DHS, otherwise that would make him a human trafficker. So he has to ask immigrants who HAVE received documentation from the DHS - in other words, documented immigrants! - if they would like a voluntary free bus trip or charter flight to DC so they can seek asylum in the place they would have to go in the first place in order to do so, therefore saving them the trouble and expense of finding a way to get there.

Man, that’s really pissing off Biden and those fucking libs, ain’t it?! Gee, I hope Texas’s Super-Jenius governor doesn’t do too much more evil plans like this to piss us off!


Apparently the remaining members had been sanctioned previously.

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The first bus had about 30 people on it, many who had relatives in the area. Despite what was claimed in a Twitter post upthread, they did not all go to buy bus tickets to Florida. In fact, in this well written article by the Texas Tribune (they do some good independent journalism), it isn’t mentioned at all.

But what is mentioned is the fact that it sounds like this is a very pricy stunt for Abbott. Charter bus for only 30? Well-cared for, well fed. And the bus is from North Carolina. Go for it.


The Texas Constitution for Reconstruction made the Governor a figurehead because at the time the Federal Government had a say in who it was. The Lt Gov, as leader of the Leg branch controls the power to get things done. The governor can make some appointments and veto some bills. And even then, George Bush was just ok at it. Dan Patrick lets Abbott do stuff because Patrick doesn’t want to be Gov… Everyone in Texas knows why.


You also have to consider the possibility that one of the legal immigrants Abbot is transporting across state lines to DC may be in need of an abortion which they would otherwise be unable to obtain in Texas.

Unfortunately, I believe it is Missouri and not Texas that tries to criminalize that sort of behavior; it would be pretty cool to sue Abbot under such a law.


Of course it’s kabuki theater, but it also has a point…the citizens of southwest states don’t want to absorb a daily release of criminals (broke the immigration laws) into their communities, where they will foot the bill for any negative results. We need to close our borders completely for all but legal immigration, and we need to remove the illegals that are here now, many dining at the public trough.

Beto was on Lawrence O’Donnell last evening and is doing plenty to combat Abbott. Sadly our media prefers to highlight the GOP clown show. It’s all about the views. Apparently America prefers car crashes, dysfunction and “alternate facts”. That’s how and why we got TFG and why the GOP is seemingly ahead in the polls.


You know the Dems, they will find a way to screw up the messaging like they always do.