Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) political clown show has rolled into town and parked itself helpfully right on Fox News’ doorstep.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1412991
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) political clown show has rolled into town and parked itself helpfully right on Fox News’ doorstep.
I keep making the argument that GQP politicians can get away with ANYTHING as long as they hate they right people.
. The Dems need to make this a win-win somehow. There has to be a way and they need to do it fast.
Governing by stunt ain’t governing. Just ask Donnie, DeSantis, Cawthorn, Greene, Gosar, Boebert, Noem, et al. They represent a Confederacy of Clowns and Dunces.
The Clowns keep showing up, because the audience keeps clapping. Abbot, DiSantis, Hawley, Cruz and the rest, discovered that a large portion of the American Electorate are infantile, mean-spirited dunces.
This guys keep doing this kind of things because are political winners; Americans don’t want to hear about seriousness and decency. Appealing to humanity gets you nowhere this days.
Biden should drop the next Texas check for Federal funds/grants off at that same bus stop.
Unintended consequences?
The antidote to stupid is … more stupid?
The GOP does things, horrid and mean spirited and full of hate, but they DO things.
I wish I was reading about things that Democrats like Beto are doing. Good, positive, beneficial things. They can’t just do business as usual. Biden’s doing great on the economy but getting killed by the media.
Why can’t we do stunts? All I hear and see here and on the news is goppers doing crap that they should be ashamed to do but clearly are not. Why not get a busload of strong voiced singers to meet DeSantis or Abbot at one of these puke fests and have them drown him out a chorus of what is wrong with you and why do you hate so many people so much who have so little and THERE WAS NO ELECTION FRAUD EXCEPT BY REPUBLICANS, and sing the names.
Yes: A homeopath(et)ic treatment.
Who is actually governing Texas these days?
A Bridge Too Pharr?
DeSantis’ office made it clear to Fox News on Tuesday that the governor Means Business with the stunt and will have the funds to do it when he signs the state’s new budget.
Nothing says ‘fiscally conservative’ like using taxpayer dollars for a silly political stunt.
Oh, you mean like the food, water, blankets, etc. Beto and AOC provided to Texans when the grid failed last year, or maybe the group of Texans Beto rallied to help during Covid and after hurricanes? Those stunts? I think I like Beto’s stunts far more than Abbott’s.
It’s never really the governor of Texas anyway. They gelded the position when they made it. It’s one of the weakest executive positions in the country. Apparently, the Lt Gov, as head of the Legislature (or something), is the real power broker in the state. The Texas Governorship is more of a figurehead position for political preeners than an actual leadership position.
This stunt may have been totally upstaged by his next stunt that has the nation’s trucks stuck at the border - hundreds of them - awaiting a further health inspection after having been inspected already thoroughly.
I’m missing something here, something about “due process”.
What I find concerning is the “even though” qualifier, apparently under the right circumstances, law enforcement is entitled to kidnap.
So…the taxpayers of Texas just paid for a free ride out of dumbsh*t Texas to D.C. for people who wanted to leave willingly?