GOP Cranks Out Whole New Disinfo Shitstorm After Hunter Biden Conviction

Ed. Note: Nicole Lafond will be back to helming Where Things Stand soon.

You might think tacking his son’s scalp above the door would calm for at least a moment the GOP’s venomous attacks, sinister insinuations, and relentless disinformation campaign against Joe Biden.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Prediction: the manna that the R-wing assholes thought a Hunter Biden conviction will bring (after all, Donnie’s been obsessed with that particular #deza since at least 2019) will prove to be, in the end, a minor story–and one that shows Joe’s ethics to advantage. It is not going to work the way that the vulpine Discount-Goebbels Stephen Miller thinks it is.


Fine, but who on Earth pays any attention to what Stephen Miller has to say. I doubt this conviction will have any real impact on the Presidential race. Hunter Biden isn’t on the ballot, but Donald Trump is. The fact that they’re both convicted felons is only an equivalence in the eyes of a loyal Trump supporter; no one else.


It does seem strange that Trumpworld, after lusting for a Hunter Biden conviction for years, is now responding to that Hunter Biden conviction by bellowing, in effect, “This means nothing! It’s a deep-state ruse to protect Joe Biden!”

One is tempted to consider the possibility that these people are not very smart.


Joe Biden: STILL not a convict.


Absolutely. Attacking a troubled son with a drug problem who bought a gun illegally - exactly what rural/suburban Republicans do all the time. And Biden isn’t even going to pardon him!


As others have noted on the accompanying threads, Hunter is much like family members in more than half of American families, many of whom own guns and will never be prosecuted or even questioned the way Hunter has been today.

Joe makes no excuses for his son and continues to express his love for his son, however wayward he may be.

I rather hope enough of the right-wing publicity can be turned back on them with the simple question of he who is without sin casting the first stone. I’m sure enough information can be found that would reflect badly on some of those that would be casting that first stone.

I guess it’s up to us on the correct side of the issue to start digging.


I agree. David Kurtz seems to give some of these asshats (Miller, Fox News talking idiots, Trump campaign headquarters, etc.) too much credit.


The media still do and they magnify his statements whenever they should appear in the universe. That gives his statements legs where they should be cut off at the knees.


Eh. He’s kind of an ugly has been at this point. I know many republicans and they don’t acknowledge his existence

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“It does seem strange”

Time to get over thinking anything Trumpians do is strange. It’s all predictable. No matter the reality, no matter what is rational, no matter what is unhypocritical, they will simply do or say anything that furthers the narrative they want to put forth. No lie, no hyperbole, no evil, is too great for them to perpetuate. And election season has barely started. By Nov 5th, we’ll be lucky if there’s still a U.S.A.


If the repukes thought they could hang some juvenile crime/misdeed on a Biden grandchild (or future generation en absentia), they would do it in a heart beat.

Does not change the fact that their choice for preznit in 2024 is a convicted felon. For a crime that is not in federal jurisdiction. And that’s THIRTY-FOUR FUCKING FELONIES.

Joe Biden? NONE!


When will the NRA step up to defend Hunter’s gun rights?


Nothing strange about it at all. Ruining Hunter Biden was never the point. A full and total fascist takeover is the point. Catch up.


It stands to reason that the GOP/MAGA would beat the drum on this as loud and long as they can.

However . . . revelations of Trump’s endless and boundless corruption will dominate the headlines for the foreseeable future. Plus, Trump is such an attention monger that he can’t keep his mouth shut (and out of the headlines), even when he needs to.


Now, that’s word craft.


GOP Cranks Out Whole New Disinfo Shitstorm

Soon to be imprisoned, slimy Stevie two shirts is leading TSF into the zone flooded with shat.


With these MAGA freaks - nothing is ever enough!
You want to know their level of depravity? If there was a way to concoct additional charges & ridiculous shaming punishment - such that it shattered Hunter and drove him to suicide - the MAGAS are, at this point, so rabid so thirsty for blood, that they would say - here’s a blank check - make it happen … seriously the bastards are broken in their souls and will stop at nothing if they think it will personally hurt Biden & help Trump.

They do not play by any “rules” of decency … hell, if they thought they could get a court order to exhume Beau Biden and recreationally autopsy the hell out of his body just to put Joe Biden through agony - there a long list of pathological deranged Republicans who would be tripping over each other to do it … we have to recognize that there are no decent Republicans in office who will speak out - it ha become a deranged party of sadistic loud mouths competing to gain the title of “Most Vile”
The are mimicking their leader and seeking to hurt people in the most painful ways possible.


Today’s verdict is a step toward accountability but until the Department of Justice investigates everyone involved in the Bidens’ corrupt influence peddling schemes that generated over $18 million in foreign payments to the Biden family, it will be clear department officials continue to cover for the Big Guy, Joe Biden.

The complete lack of self-awareness of these people - TFG enriching himself thru his shitty hotel while ‘serving’ as POTUS, his daughter and son-in-law raking in hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries while working as WH aides - so that they can cast aspersions on Joe Biden and his son who has an addiction problem.

There’s no reasoning with them, no reaching any sort of understanding, they’re a primitive tribal people whose only skill is to malign their perceived enemies and inflame the uneducated and ignorant among the public.

They can go fuck themselves sideways.


The GOP doesn’t really even have the concepts of truth and lying. For them, there are only things that come out of their mouth and either do or don’t help them get what their greedy selfish heart wants.