GOP Convention Bars Journalists For The First Time Ever | Talking Points Memo

Goats would be afraid to turn their back to any GOP man. No way they would be in a rodeo with them.


Actually worse than the Great Depression’s numbers comparatively.


We’ll know when they’ve made the announcement when smoke comes out of the building, kind of like the Sistine Chapel?


Well yeah - we didn’t have 158,000 newly dead people in the Depression. And no end in sight to the dying.


Worst in history. Funny, because of how often he says that. Finally it’s true.

By the time a new administration comes in to stanch the bleeding we’ll be past the combat dead from WWII.


He’s got that sniffing & slurping thing going on, too. I can understand the sniffing, but that slurping thing is a new one to me.


Nobody has ever seen anything like it and many people say…


Before Trump, Nazism was a presence, but mostly in the Rear View Window.


My wife’s sister lives on Atlantic coast, about 90 miles N of Miami. They seem to be taking it in stride. I guess by Florida standards it’s not that unusual? I’d be beside myself-

Two more examples:

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Yep. What’s to brag about? This way they save their incumbent Senators the humiliation of having to publicly support him while trying to get reelected, especially in states they know they’re gonna lose. Most of those Senators had already bowed out of the presumably ego-stroking event in lieu of being too busy arranging their sock drawers.

With tRump’s campaign recently canceling ads on a massive scale in many states one can only wonder if tRump already knows he’s lost and is merely trying to save face and whatever money would have been spent so he can essentially abscond with the rest of it after he leaves office. There has been no real accounting for those donors and where all that dark money has come from, just like most things tRump was supposed to make public and hasn’t. He’ll be leaving out the back door with contracts and a lot of unpaid bills to vendors. That’s almost a certainty.


Try sipping a bit of Benedictine throughout the day. Its base is Angelica, a blood tonic according to TCM, and used by herbalists to relieve respiratory problems.


:+1: I happened to be listening to the Mitchell Trio’s song about the John Birch Society the other day, and parts of it reminded me a lot of the current version of the Republican Party. “We’ll use our hands and hearts, and if we must, we’ll use our heads” and “Fighting for the right to fight the right fight for the right” and of course

Oh, we’re meetin’ at the courthouse at eight o’clock tonight
You just walk in the door and take the first turn to the right
Be careful when you get there, we’d hate to be bereft
But we’re taking down the names of everybody turning left


Benedictine is a little too sweet, though I do like B&B. Will that do?


And the response in Vietnam:

And we can’t even screw up the gumption to get past suggesting wearing masks.

BTW, wasn’t one element of Trump’s twit that started this subthread that the media isn’t covering the outbreaks elsewhere? Maybe Fox News and OANN aren’t…


Parkinson’s maybe. There’s a tendency to produce excess saliva and/or have some trouble swallowing.


That’s what I’m talking about. The Dacha comment was a little snark. He’s dying to be a former president. Imagine him looking at Obama and Clinton with all their accolades, playing golf whenever they want without anyone in their business. $$$ for speeches. He’s worried that he won’t be in a position to monetize the presidency. And if he strikes the right bargain, he’s eligible to run again later. Trump tv will be a 24/7 platform for him. Hell stick a pin in some date in February of 2020 and use that high point in the economy as his supposed accomplishment. Blame the rest on China and let someone else clean up his mess. Give the GOP a fighting chance to save face, or at least not have a blow out.

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I hate him and I don’t even like saying that…


“Someone”? I suspect it’ll be more like “Everyone”…


IANAD, but saturated fat is the real culprit, dietary cholesterol not so much. Eggs are quite low in saturated fat. Word is, 3 eggs/week are OK even for heart patients.

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