Every once in a while I step back and think about what my reaction would have been if all this happened at the end of any other President’s first term. These are so-called government leaders attempting to outright publicly steal an election because they didn’t like the results. And we have become so inured to crazy over the past 4 years that all we do is shake our heads and heap scorn, while these idiots undermine our government and society.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
There are traditional Hail Marys, throwing the ball deep into the end zone right as time expires. Then there’s this, which is more like throwing the ball deep into the end zone 2 hours after the game ended and all the fans and other players have gone home.
I am reminded that Goober Gohmert was a judge. A Texas judge, but a judge, and a graduate of a real law school. Kinda blows my mind.
Well it is Texas law
I don’t see how - Biden’s inauguration is in the constitution and so is the President of the Senate’s function here which is solely to open the envelopes and announce the votes.
If he were a Senator, he’d be the stupidest one ever. But as a Representative in the House, he’s got some stiff competition.
Gohmert Is the stupidest Representative of all time.
Gohmert isn’t a senator. He represents the TX 1st congressional district in the House.
But he is stupid.
And what do you know about the law in Texas?
Gohmert wasn’t elected because he knows the law.
Well, ya just gotta assume that Judge* Gohmert knows him some law.
(* no kidding; Gohmert served as a judge in Texas for many years, until he was elected to be The Dumbest Member of Congress.)
OK, a stupid question (but its Louie Gohmert we’re talking about here, so stupid is fair ground): How does the Gomer Pyle of Texas think a East Texas US District Judge and a group of Arizona GOP electors have the Constitutional authority to replace the duly elected electors of any other state in the union, not to mention four or five other states?
I know, I know . . . . the question pretty much answers itself, but the hearings should be interesting.
Hey, I knew Jeremy when he was still at Haynes & Boone. Good guy, not at all insane. He’ll toss this case out with all due haste.
ETA, his former email address still auto-completes for me:
I also know Lewis Sessions, the guy who signed this monstrosity of a lawsuit. Can’t say as I can say much good about him.
You have to wonder about the Texas 1st District. Gohmert’s margins of victory:
2004 61.5%
2006 68.0%
2008 87.6%
2010 89.7%
2012 71.4%
2014 77.5%
2016 73.9%
2018 72.3%
2020 72.6%
Saturday morning saw yet another noisy caravan of Trump idiots racing down FM 1488 in front of the barn, blaring bad music, with assorted Trump 2020, Don’t Tread On Me, and Mexican (yes, self-hating “Mexicans for Trump”) flags festooning their trucks. I can’t decide whether they actually think they’re having some effect (other than pissing off every other driver on the road and annoying the horses) or whether it’s become a social thing that they just can’t give up. Either way, they need to get over it and stop embarrassing all Texans.
Democrats do circular firing squads. Republicans do circular sueing squads. I can’t decide which is worse.
I like this idea. Would that it had a prayer of taking place.
Also the average percentage of people in the district missing teeth and overall hygiene. 2008 and 2010 were not good years in their local general dentistry.
If all the village idiots in the world left their villages…
And came together to form a giant village of idiots…
Gohmert would be their village idiot.
“Texas law.” That’s kind or an oxymoron, isn’t it?