House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is readying himself to seize the title as the nation’s great unifier — never mind his robust record of trying to undermine the democratic process.
Party of personal responsibility has developed a severe case of amnesia.
Is McCarthy in the leadership position because they couldn’t get anyone to step up and do the job?
Biden should give McCarthy the back of his hand and tell him to go fuck himself. McCarthy is a lying sack of dog shit who cannot be trusted. The truth is that no Republican can be trusted, they are all vile examples of human beings.
“Trust, but verify” should be transformed into “Talk, but record”.
“For the purposes of quality assurance, this conversation may be recorded.” Any Republican entering the White House should be made to understand this, and maybe to sign off on it, as well.
A good start would be for McCarty and Trump to admit their culpability in felony murder. That is the charge when you participate in a crime in which a police officer is slain. We can turn the temperature down after that.
Not my circus, not my monkeys! What a buffoon!! He is one of the dimmest of dim bulbs. And the “better angels” stuff is way, way contrived and overused. Buffoon!
McCarthy announced on Friday that he had plans to chat with President-elect Joe Biden on how to unite the country
I’m pretty sure Biden will invite McCarthy to unify himself with Biden’s hand, as in “talk to the hand, bitch, because you waste of oxygen ain’t gettin any closer.”
I think President Biden should look at McCarthy and say thanks Kevin, I’ll take a look at it. Remind me again, how did you vote on those Electoral College Vote challenges?
Voters in McCarthy’s district, please, look at who you are voting for, how long you’ve been supporting this guy, and tell me how much better off you are thanks to him. Still living paycheck to paycheck? Still wishing you could afford a nice house? Wishing your kids schools had AC and good Internet connections and lots of good teachers and support?
Stop voting for these people, they aren’t working out, and, they’re shameful liars to boot.