Giuliani Pal Admits To Funneling Foreign Money Into U.S Political Campaigns | Talking Points Memo

So what about the folks without children? They have to pay rent and pull long hours and second jobs.

And without any of the tax breaks that the ones with children already receive.


Call me doobie downer, but Fruman’s deal does not include any cooperation, and the judge even called that out. From an NBC article:

Fruman’s plea agreement does not require him to cooperate in other cases, U.S. District Judge J. Paul Oetken said.

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Justice Breyer reacts to Biden’s Supreme Court commission on ‘Fox News Sunday’


Birth rates dropping should be a GOOD thing, all around. But I get your point.


I hear he’s involved in sex-trafficking of minors, and is plotting to form a one-nation world government, and had a hand in manipulating the world economy to his liking.

Well, that’s what I heard.


Well just knock me over with a feather…

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Yes, it’s been here in Germany for a long time. And it works. Makes little to no difference to parents who are financially fairly well set, but does make a big difference to families on the bottom end who are struggling, including single parents. Not enough to live on, but does help make sure kids have shoes and food on the table.

Of course, Germany has a low birthrate, so it makes sense to make sure kids are clothed and fed.


Hey, we’ve been down this Welfare Queen road before.

A program which more or less instantaneously lifts millions of children out of poverty and cuts their poverty rate by a third is alright by me. Ironically, as poor families’ incomes go up, their birth rate tends to go down. So you really shouldn’t be so grumpy about this, unless you perhaps have some other problem with them getting the money month-by-month instead of in a lump sum once a year.

If you don’t remember this piece, read it again:


Great. So let’s get cash out to everyone that makes less than $400k (the cutoff), then let’s talk.

Can’t tell me the system is fair if a single person making $50k gets nothing, but the doctor making $399k gets cash payments just for deciding to have a kid.


“He asked a foreign national to contribute $1 million to a series of state-level campaigns during the 2018 midterms. The scheme was part of what Fruman described as a “business venture” to buy cannabis licenses.” Many cannabis operations are multi-state, so…

I wonder how Matt Gaetz is involved…


Declining birthrate + social safety net + increasing lifespan = massive demographic/economic policy headache


Fair? No. But if you means-test stuff like that so that it only goes to the ones who need it, then it becomes “welfare for the poor” and gets cut, unlike “help for the working middle class” (which most people who pull in multiple hundreds of kilodollars think they are, in this country, because our understanding of the definition of “middle” class is so badly broken).

FDR understood that when he set up Social Security.


It’s not. :grin: :blush: :grin:


Weirdly though, as resources go up, birth rate goes down. It’s not so much that we’re subsidizing having children anyway as that we’re subsidizing giving them opportunities to become educated, productive and wealth-generating future members of our society.

The reason we have public schools is not because we are all bleeding-heart about what’s best for the kids, but because it’s a net good for society as a whole to have generations of better educated, literate employees who can perform the jobs that benefit us all. Ditto with nutrition programs, spurred in large part by the need to have healthy enlisted men.

But what about all the undeserving parents, you ask? Rising tide and all boats, whatever. Just consider it economic stimulus and move on.


That could also mean that he didn’t have anything to offer them that they didn’t already know … you know, tried to make a deal, and the feds glanced over at their overflowing bin of evidence seized from Rudy’s devices and said “nah, we’re good, thanks”.


And this one should be killed. There has to be a limit on just how much everyone else has to pay for someone’s choice to have children. We subsidize so many expenses already, and I’m fine with expanding more services like childcare and Pre-K and things like that.

But there has to be a limit to this. Upper-middle-class Karens in their nice homes shouldn’t have their choices to be moms paid out in cash from single and childless renters who have their own damned expenses to worry about and who shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s kid.


Not if you raise taxes by 1 or 2 percent, and cut back on military spending. Problem solved.

(I am not an economist, btw.)

They have much less cost than people raising children. Having said that, I strongly favor policies across the board that enable all people to live well.


Relax, we’re going to stick the rich for it.


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