Giuliani Has A New Conspiracy Theory To Mainline Into GOP Bloodstream | Talking Points Memo

And no mention of an email server


But rudy hangs with such nice people,
all trust worthy and willing to reach out and help others who love slithering and grifting there way through there pathetic lives.
went from MR.911 to mr 000.
must be the company he keeps. lol

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Bloomberg? Klobuchar? Pee Wee?

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He doesn’t even know why he was successful in the first place. Occasionally, you see behind the curtain and he comes out and reveals what an empty suit he is. He’s stated how he didn’t like “Drain the Swamp,” but when he said it at a rally, he got slathered in adoration, so he stuck with it. He’s just aping random things that work with the base and he doesn’t understand (or care) why they work. And that’s why he can’t expand his appeal. He doesn’t actually know why he appeals to anyone.

If he could have gotten in on Sanders deal with “Free College” and “Tax the Rich” and received the same adulation, he would have just as quickly jumped on that bandwagon. He doesn’t understand or believe in any of it. He thought that “What have you got to lose?” would resonate with black people. He just says random shit until he stumbles on something that “resonates.” Then, he repeats it ad nauseum because he doesn’t know how to actually extrapolate it to something new that would broaden his audience.


Just saw this at WaPo. Wednesday signing could/would deny federal university funding for free speech/action issues by numerous colleges if they boycott or divest in Israel. The executive order would recognize Jews as an ethnic minority and not a religious minority.

So much for the anti-boycott pro-free speech Republicans, and church-state separation. Trump trying to retain that supposed 29% Jewish approval vote, after that anti-semite speech to the Israeli American Council in Florida.


Absolutely. No more than the class clown understands the principles of humor that make his fart jokes funny to idiots.


Yeah it’s funny and insane this BS conspiracy theory. But as pointed out by several talking heads the point of this is to create a narrative, and keep pushing it until one of the Main stream outlets like MSNBC, CNN, the WAPO or the NYT picks it up and runs with it.

Remember “her emails” and the damage it did? Remember the conclusion 3 years later on page 16 of the NY Times (No Crime).

It worked once for the b*stards. They are hoping lightening strikes twice.


And it will. The followers just need some bs to repeat ad infinitum to make it stick. Like Trump’s tweets. It’s all about the announcement of investigations, recall. Just the media blitz with whatever crazy crap they can string together is all they need–and the media is happy to oblige cause it’s so outrageous. Admittedly, we read this article wanting to know what looney tune Rudy would sing next, right? And we’re the skeptics.


I’ll regret wishing, I’m sure, but I’d really like to see him try to float this shit.

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Don’t you see? Hillary Killary is so crafty she masterminded her own defeat!!!


Let me make it easy for you all


THIS is all Ghouliani has ?? Laugh my ass off !! I OWN Franklin Templeton Funds so I should have know WTF they have been doing with my money in Ukraine ? NOT. You can’t blame Adam Schiff for investing in a widely held mutual fund, and how exactly does POTUS Obama get smeared in this ?

Even if the Franklin-Templeton Fund invested in the Ukraine to get a 9.5% yield on a bond, that does not implicate me, Schiff or Obama. IMHO, 9.5% isn’t enough to get tied up in a mess in Ukraine, but it certainly isn’t criminal. This is just beyond stupid.


Not yet - that’s why there MUST be an investigation! :mag_right:


The Obama administration going the full eight years with exactly zero actual scandals, in spite of the GOP’s frantic efforts to invent something with BenghaziBirtherFastandfuriousSnarlGnashFroth actually drove a major political party all the way insane.


The difference is that the circus manager’s logic is coherent and reasonable.


Great link, @teenlaqueefa.

Wouldn’t it be sweet to turn this seat blue?

  • Iowa’s 4th (Steve King, R) Leans Republican to Tilts Republican

OT, @mattinpa and @kelaine but TY for mentioning and recommending The Wire! I found it on Amazon Prime and have gobbled up the first three seasons. What compelling characters! I always love Wendell Pierce in anything! I read that in ‘16 he befriended a couple in a bar and they chatted merrily away until the mister said he supported Bernie Sanders. Then Wendell, a supporter of HRC, started shoving the poor guy around!

ETA: I missed some details. Here’s The Daily Beast’s report.


Politics plus alcohol brings out the worst in all of us.

Wendell Pierce was also great in HBO’s Confirmation - a film about the confirmation process of Clarence Thomas

ETA: @kitty, you’re in for a real treat in season 4 of The Wire


I think it is leaking out of his mouth.



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