Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, blew a gasket on Tuesday night when Fox Business host Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery pressed him on his shocking appearance in Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest film, “Borat 2.”
Plagiarized (can I plagiarize myself?) from another comment of mine from three days ago —
I watched about half of the Borat film. At one point, I ended up fast forwarding to the Rudy scenes. I hate Giuliani. He makes my skin crawl. And, he probably was hoping to get lucky with Tutar…
But, upon seeing the whole scene, I don’t believe that Rudy was playing with his junk. He was sitting on the edge of the bed when Tutar untucked his shirt. Instead of standing up to tuck his shirt back in, he leaned back to tuck it in.
Releasing the “compromised” still photo of Rudy a couple days before the film’s debut was a way to get a shitload of free advertising.
Fox has seen the writing on the wall and are cutting the administration off. Let me get my tiny violin and play the song of my people to show them sympathy.
Well what’s more sad is that Rudy didn’t know who Borat = Sacha Baron Cohen is, and what he does. Someone was there filming? Someone (Rudy) had to have seen a camera person?
SBC is not to my taste, unless it’s Seattle’s Best Coffee.
Another Trump associate whose family needs to bring him home. Watched the Borat segment. There was nothing right in it at all. Member of the bar , DA, Mayor and he couldn’t sniff out a set up like that? And his follow through the moment he sat down was positively cringing. He is no longer competent in my view.
The only thing grosser than Rudy in that movie is the fucking racist SBC. HE disgusts me .
Why does SBC hate the Kazakhs? There’s got to be a backstory