Ginsburg Makes First Appearance Since News Of Cancer Treatment

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared to be healthy and playful Monday during her first public appearance since news surfaced that she had recently been treated for pancreatic cancer.

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"“(It’s) beyond my wildest imagination that I would one day become the Notorious RBG,”

She then bit off a chunk of the cast iron bar she was holding and began chewing…


Vive la RBG!



You can be fine until your suddenly not. Either way she must hold on until a Dem is in the WH, then she needs to step down during that first year.

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, Ginsburg said she could see herself serving on the bench for five more years.:heartpulse:


Stay strong, Notorious RBG! :heartbeat:


Keeping you in my thoughts and in my heart, RBG :heart:


I don’t believe in prayer, but for you RBG, I’ll make an exception. Stay strong to keep the bastards at bay.


Hugs and kisses too!

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It doesn’t seem to be mentioned enough but this is a recurrence of pancreatic cancer, for which she had surgery in 2009. The fact that they’re only doing radiation treatment (plus a stent, I think I read) seems a little disconcerting but I’m a layperson and presume we’re getting incomplete info.

She’s a Goddess.

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I’m sure she said that as a big finger to Trump and the Republicans wishing for her death…though I think she will bow to the political reality of the situation and step down if a Democrat wins in 2020. Even if she can go on, the future of the nation, and all the progressive ideals she has fought for, are at risk if a conservative judge is appointed to the SC to replace one of the liberals…they have already shown a willingness to twist the law to suit their agenda, and to block things that would make people more equal in order to protect Republican political power. The SC should have turned liberal in 2016 with the Garland appointment, every year it’s still 5-4 conservative is stealing from the future progress of the nation.

And, I am betting on Thomas retiring in 2020 if Trump loses (and McConnell forcing through a replacement in 60 days, no matter what), so a crazy right winger can be installed for 40 years. Ginsburg is great, but she won’t last 40 years, we need a liberal voice on the SC that will speak for the people like she has far into the future.

(Some more meaningless verbage to keep fucking discobot happy and off my case.)
Apparently Nannybot expects complete sentences and proper punctuation.


McConnell may not have a job after the next inauguration consideting he is polling in the low 30’s in Kentucky and around 25% nationally. A decent democrat opponent ought to be able to unseat him.

What information I could glean from what her treatment team said in a statement was this: the tumor was discrete, meaning all in one single spot which afforded a kind of radiation treatment in which beams from several directions converge on that tumor. It’s ablated, the cancer cells killed and surrounding tissue unharmed. Which is a whole lot better than surgery. The doctors stated there was no disease left anywhere. That her previous bout was 10 years ago tells me this was a separate and unrelated occurence. That she survived 10 years is statistically off the charts so this has to be unrelated.


I wish the best health to RBG but this is a very broken system where our democracy hangs on the ability of an older person to fight cancer. We must expand the SCOTUS to about 30 members and set maximum number of years to serve (maybe 16 years or so). This would make individual seats less important and therefore less of a circus and remove some of the politics as every president would get several appointments. Maybe it might even become hard to predict how every person on the court will vote. Maybe they might even start to reflect a cross section of America.

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I’m not sure that’s exactly what they said – I believe it was (paraphrasing) “We’ve radiated the tumor, no further treatment is necessary, and no cancer exists anywhere else in her body.” (Emphasis mine). It’s implied that the tumor is gone but not explicitly stated, I think.

You can expand the Court with legislation, but you can’t impose term limits without a constitutional amendment (which ain’t happening). So my backdoor solution is to automatically make all the justices assume senior status at age 70, with a corresponding seat opened on the regular bench. Reduce or eliminate the duties of senior justices – maybe send 'em around the country to sit on panels of the various circuit courts instead of doing Supreme Court stuff. They still get life tenure that way, but it would also strongly encourage the old farts to retire.

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