Ginni Thomas Privately Praised Group Working Against Supreme Court Reform: 'Thank You So, So, So Much'

Just reading Shackelford’s rantings sound just like that. Rantings. In another time and place, people would be walking by this guy, quickly. To my ears, he sounds like a loon. Unfortunately too many of them have a seat at the table in one way or another.


That woman is crazy as a bedbug.


Remind me again why she’s not in jail. And her husband too, for that matter.


Shackelford runs the First Liberty Libertine Institute, a $25 million-a-year organization that describes itself as “the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty 3-ways for all Americans.”


When I see stupid ass comments like this I gotta wonder – how did Ginni’s family EXPECT Clarence to act?


“FILLED THE SAILS OF MANY JUDGES” eh? And by “sails”, do you mean “suitcases”, and by “filled” do you mean “cash”?


Ginni knows she is guilty.


I briefly litigated against Kelly Shackleford years ago. He’s a nasty piece of work whose core schtick is using the Free Exercise clause of the First Amendment as an all-purpose exemption for anything any person of alleged faith wants to say or do.


It frosts my gills how laws “destroy the independence of the criminal class.”


It goes without saying that the Founders intended the Free Exercise of Conservative Christianity to trump all other rights and the beliefs of other people.


Who cares about privately -

Although Kagan has publicly agreed their needs to be enforcement, even she isn’t a fan of what Biden proposed.

All nine current justices have signaled opposition to the Democratic proposals, recently signing a public memo explaining their ethics standards and how they are practiced.


The bigger the checkbook, the bigger the seat.


The first liberty is the liberty to bribe officials.


They are neither Christian nor conservative. They are cowardly Fascists hiding behind crosses.


consider that our country will be over and the rule of law will be over

When people from Heritage talk about “the rule of law,” they just mean the control structures that currently allow 6 high-placed anti-democracy fascists to exert control over the entire nation, despite their opinions being contrary to facts and law and popular will and national security.

That’s the kind of “institutionalist” John Roberts is, too.

They are talking about heating the water slowly so the frog won’t jump out of the pot. They are not actually referencing “laws above men.” They mean “our conspiracy above the laws, and our laws above everyone else.”

They know that SCOTUS powers were largely invented by earlier SCOTUS, and that means they can be taken away and even revealed as inherently illegitimate.

Ginni and Shackleford are worried that America might simply stop agreeing to follow the dictates of the 9-member group that the Federalists have hijacked with their decades-long campaign to defeat Senate oversight.

Which is exactly what we should do. The Court is illegitimate. Its rulings are in direct and obvious and irreconcilable disagreement with the Constitution. They are criminals who should be hounded on the streets and run into prison. Their written opinions are worthless.

Every single judge and lawyer who refuses to recognize those facts is an enabler and collaborator with John Roberts’ attempt to completely re-define the United States government, and a traitor to the country and the millions of veterans who fought and died for the principles that John Roberts is now pretending the Constitution doesn’t contain.


No should give one f*ck what these bastards think. It’s a heaping dose of “tough shit” and it’s well deserved. Congress abandoned oversight of these sonsofbitches decades ago but even now, they are too limp-wristed to start making any of them sweat.

There is nothing more useless than any organization claiming how ethical it is or how it can police itself.


The churches don’t have to pay taxes. Isn’t that enough for them to obtain? I become more anti-religion every day. They can go to their churches, go to Sunday school, go to other Christian events. I shudder to think what will happen after election day.


Shackleford occasionally takes on a case for a right-wing non-Christian, so long as it primarily advances the legal immunity of right-wing “Christians” for their otherwise actionable conduct or speech.


So these folks think they should be their own judge and jury in their own ethics cases in determining good behavior?

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Money is speech, doncha know!

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