A manual recount of Georgia’s election results confirmed on Thursday night President-elect Joe Biden’s stunning victory in the Peach State.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1345769
A manual recount of Georgia’s election results confirmed on Thursday night President-elect Joe Biden’s stunning victory in the Peach State.
Why do most articles end with blather from a Trump sycophant?
“This so-called hand recount went exactly as we expected because Georgia simply recounted all of the illegal ballots that had been included in the total,” Ellis said…
And you recognize an "illegal ballot by what?
The Biden vote?
Its origin in greater Atlanta?
Or, it just doesn’t look right to you?
It comes on George Soros’ letterhead.
Expect at least 6 more lawsuits filed in the next hour or so. Gotta block that cert! These will address the poor color of the ballot, the fact the election was held on a Tuesday, and the inability of the Russians to properly access the machine data.
Clearly, any vote for Biden is illegal. After all, who in their right mind would vote for anyone other than the Donald?
Republican speak: “Illegal ballots” = Votes for Biden.
Following the Trump operating manual
Wear you down with Bullshit
Not today motherfuckers
Not today or any day
I’ve go 80 million people who denied your alternate reality
The Margins by which Biden won Az, GA and WI were 10,457, 12,284 and 20,608 (as of today). That means that, even though Biden won the popular vote by around 6 million, it was those 43,349 votes that gave him his Electoral College win.
Put another way, had Biden not gotten those 43,349 votes in those three states, Trump would have won in spite of Biden’s 6 million vote victory in the popular vote.
The election was definitely rigged, just not in the way Trump says it was rigged.
NULLIFY THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE! Nobody else elects their leaders in this fashion.
Well, there is the 81K and counting votes in PA to consider too.
Every day one victory more
That would require a Constitutional amendment, meaning that 2/3 of the house and Senate as well as 3/4 of state legislatures would have to approve of it. Good luck getting the red states to agree to that.
Read the link I attached for an optional route.
No. If Biden had not won in AZ, GA and WI, he would have only had 269 EV. The tie would have been broken by the House which would have awarded the Presidency to Trump.
Again, good luck getting the red states to agree. They like the fact that they can win even when they lose, so they have no motivation to change a thing.
The electoral college abomination is all the more reason to grant Washington DC and Puerto Rico statehood.
Red states are turning blue (Virginia, Georgia, Texas, Arizona).
If he had not won California or New York, he would have lost. Make up scenarios can be fun, but doesn’t have a thing to do with what is going on.
Which, btw, since you are ignoring a clear win in PA, is exactly what you are doing. .ignoring reality so you can make an argument. Because once you take in account the PA win, Biden only needed one of those three states to clinch the EC victory. But he won all 3.
Or, it just doesn’t look [white] to you?