Georgia Vote Recount Confirms Biden Victory

That is a tried and true TPM recipe of pouring accelerant on a comments thread.
Then, most, assuredly someone sparks the arson.
Congratulations! :fire:


Republicans know exactly what registration barriers, voting barriers, hacks, rigs, cheats, runarounds, needless hoops and other voter disenfranchisements, intimidation’s and harassments, succeeded to keep Stacey Abrams out of the Governor’s mansion. They can’t believe their playbook of cheats, failed.


Hey! I’m sure some of her best friends are from, uh, …Atlanta.


“So-called hand recount”?

Lemme guess. Somebody heard from their cousin’s brother-in-law that James O’Keefe has video of them counting with their feet?


Same can be stated of Trump’s 77k vote margin in 2016 in MI, WI, PA.


The scenario by which Trump could have won by changing the least number of votes is through WI, AZ and GA. Therefore, Biden’s EC win was by the 43,349 votes he won in those three states. There is no other scenario by which Trump could have won by changing fewer votes.


I’m sure you were saying the same exact thing in 2016, right?

Oh, and you forgot Pennsylvania.

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Trump won PA, WI and MI by a total of about 77,000 votes in 2016 which secured his EC win in spite of about a 3 million vote loss in the popular vote.

Trump would not have needed PA this year had he won WI, AZ and GA.


The qualities of good journalism are to present elements of the full story. TPM is a journalistically based enterprise. The stories should have some balance.

The comments are what they are.


You are right, of course, but it would be nice to see a Democratic candidate stumping in Cheyenne, WY, Mobile, AL, Baton Rouge, LA, Salt Lake City, UT, Fairbanks, AK or Boise, ID. There are Democrats there who might appreciate a little love.

Edit: We would also like a little attention in safe blue states. Run up the score!


Only African-American votes are illegal, silly.


And if Biden had won TX, FL or NC, he wouldn’t have needed any of those states. Hell, if he had just won FL or TX, he wouldn’t need AZ, WI, PA AND GA.

See? Its a game of “What if” and it can go on endlessly.


Giuliani smells them


Huh? The House would have awarded the presidency to Trump?


What can you say??? ‘The illegal votes were counted! TWICE!’ Yeah OK Jenna…you Trump lickin’ fool.

Definitely have to work on NC. Art Pope and the boys did a lot of crap there, but it should be winnable.


The GSA should sign the transition documentation right the f^<k now.


Never going to happen even if you did away with the EC (and that isn’t as easy as just passing a constitutional amendment…which isn’t all that easy, either). Because none of those places has a large enough population to be worth a focus.

Instead of a focus on states (assuming you can somehow deal with the fact that states still run elections, even if you got the constitutional amendment abolishing the EC done), you make it a focus on the most populous metro areas.

California then receives the lions share of campaigns attention, followed closely by FL and TX and NY not far behind. Which, btw, are the top 4 EC targets too.


The first of many recounts that won’t do a damned thing to change the outcome in favor of Trump.

I’ll be interested to see what happens with WI. I wasn’t involved in either of the counties in question, but I bet the outcome is within a couple of percentage points, plus or minus, of the original result.

If I recall, some of these re-checks have actually made it more in Biden’s favor. The Trumpists have to begin to see that all this is for show and has nothing to do with the actual election process.

I posted this yesterday on SM and was surprised at my cadre of friends who actually agreed with this (some I’ve known for years, including a doomsday prepper!!):


Maybe a stop at the airport on their way to somewhere else. I just recall seeing Obama stumping in Idaho in the '08 primary and caucus season, and was stunned at the crowd. I thought Idaho had only about three Democrats.