General Manager Says TikTok Not ‘Going Anywhere,’ After Trump Threatens To Ban Video Sharing App | Talking Points Memo

The hair blowing in the chopper blast, in the room. Nice touch.

So Trump scrawls and signs a post-it and it is done? Is it like that? Maybe a snap of the fingers like Thanos?


Trump will never spend any time in jail. The man has the solidest insanity defense I’ve ever seen.


Indeed! I didn’t know about his visit to Tampa and the Trumpheads on the tarmac until I read it here. I had to check to make sure it wasn’t The Onion.


I can appreciate that, but he and Kush-Dog really need to be back in the headlines for trying to murder blue state residents with Covid.


Not everyone is in that tizzy. His term ends on a day in January. His own party noped out of his little idea of delaying the vote. They want him gone, and that’s that. The moment Biden is, as we of course hope, sworn in, he stops being president. He will probably have left before then. He’s already basically walked off the job except for causing what mayhem he can. He won’t stick around to be escorted out. The Secret Service would put him right on the sidewalk and the whole country would laugh.


hahahahaha no doubt.

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I see articles on this very topic here and in places like Raw Story. God, you guys. Stop being so damn frightened of this blowhard. You’ve met jerks like this before in middle school.

How many of you haven’t fantasized about going back in time to punch them in the mouth? Just once?

Going to the ballot box in November is the metaphorical equivalent of slamming your knee into the groin of that asshole on the middle school playground. Are you really going to pass a chance like that up?

C’mon, let’s go! Who’s with me?


I don’t do Tik Tok. Have the kids ripped him limb from limb yet?

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DOD and all other agencies should ban any apps that are potentially threats to data security and serve little or no purpose in the mission of the agency. That’s different than trying to ban it for civilian use. Facebook has had to pay fines and attend congressional hearings for things that TikTok is being accused of, and I can’t help but notice it hasn’t been banned.

If TikTok has been abusing data, I have no problem with it or any other technology being fined and/or regulated to the point where they decide it isn’t worth operating here, but short of that, it looks like crybaby DT is just throwing another tantrum that will be slapped down in about a minute.


Any news about Bill Barr?

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I agree that he is already showing his “on terminal leave” behavior. The mayhem he is creating is going to become more and more antagonistic. We just do not appreciate his brilliance and he will make us suffer for it. That includes his buddies the Republicans as well. They will start getting the blame actually in the long run. Going to be a interesting few months.

Expect golfing to be an every week event from here out.


This. A million times this.

We’re still a democracy. We still get to choose. In just over 60 days people start voting in Texas.

He was always temporary and he’s extremely temporary at this point.

And I love this country and everything it offers people - he isn’t America. We are.


i’m thinking back to the last time Trump admitted he was wrong. hmm … still computing … searching the archives … i may have to get back to you … nope, record not found.

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It was found out, despite denials, that he had been in close proximity to Louis “the spreader” Gohmert.

But footage from before the hearing shows Gohmert and Barr walking together in close contact, with neither wearing a mask.

Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said Barr will be tested for coronavirus on Wednesday.

Article dated July 29th, that is Wednesday, so Barr may have been tested, but that’s all I’ve heard.


Literally everyone who actually confronts him learns he backs right down. Remember the shutdown? When he said on TV he’d be responsible, Jim Newell at Slate said Schumer looked like he had to stop himself from blowing a chef’s kiss in the air. He looked gleeful at how stupid the man is. Candy from a baby. He gets taken every time. And he’s a total, constant, spectacular fuckup. I’m sorry it took so many dead for that to sink in, but if you don’t see it you’re just deliberately scaring yourself like a kid telling ghost stories.


I downloaded it as soon as i read the Trump was planning on banning it. That way, I can be part of any First Amendment based class action suit! :slight_smile:


Well, Jeez again.



He can dish it out, be he can’t take it.

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I just found this. But I’d think he would need to be retested as a test one day after a possible encounter is probably a bit early.


What’s been very telling about the trucks with Trump flags that we’ve seen for the past two weeks is that they’ve appeared when there is a BLM protest taking place here.

A mere coincidence I’m sure. :roll_eyes: