General Manager Says TikTok Not ‘Going Anywhere,’ After Trump Threatens To Ban Video Sharing App | Talking Points Memo

Yes. Most businesses at least have an office somewhere, some kind of physical presence or representation. For example, shows 70 office locations worldwide. Lots of physical locations at too. Places that you can deliver a subpoena, or send an armed response team, to.


It’s all about Sarah Cooper and it’s all about the Tik Tok Teens who destroyed Tulsa. I believe it’s just about an Executive Order signing. He loves doing that and showing it around the room.

This Pia Guerra cartoon has been around for a few years, but it never gets old and it never loses its relevance:


Probably for getting caught, not for actually doing it.
I hate these people.

No, she was using one single example where China was worse, and ignoring all the things we do like putting children in cages and secret police taking people away and cops running over protesters and killing them. She came up with one way we’re better and pounced on it. Thus my serial killer analogy.

Well that was then.

No, my point is this is now based on queries for corporate locations that I did just a short few minutes ago on two major tech companies, that took me maybe 2 or 3 minutes to drill down to. You may think that everything has gone into “the cloud” and that means nothing has a physical location any more, but I do assure you that every CPU cycle you consume on the Internet takes place in a geographical location somewhere.

And the web of trust relations that we call “the Internet” has pressure points, just like what you might have learned about in first-aid classes.


Account of an American expatriate, 10-year resident of China with Chinese wife and family, forced to flee from apprehension by Chinese government agents:

That is a thing of beauty. Look at all the crowd control barriers. Ha

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This is exactly the level on which he operates.

No, no, no! God Emperor Donald the First is DOMINATING! Dominating China! Dominating TikTok! Dominating that mean ol’ girl! Dominating, and doing LAW AND ORDER also, too! Shut uuuuuuuup! LEAVE GOD EMPEROR DONALD ALONE!!!

(Sarcasm, of course. Of course. Of course.)

But the Barriers really enjoyed the speech

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“user data”…

If you put real shit about yourself on the internet you’re a damn fool. You can use TocTok and allow the Chinese to see all you have put there if you haven’t put real shit there. You don’t have to. Same for Twitter and FaceBook. FB can have all my “user data” and they’ve probably combed it already. Good luck FB making use of a fake person and fake bio.

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Yes. He’s still an asshole.

He won’t be president on Jan 2 election or no election and even if Biden is not sworn in. On Jan 21 if the election is FUBAR Pelosi becomes POTUS. That’s in the Constitooootion.


For a while, FB demanded that I upload a scan of my drivers license to prove my identity. They even locked my account for a while and then mysteriously unlocked it (I suppose their membership is waning). I never gave them my drivers license and never will.

Americans have unilaterally surrendered in the war on privacy. Private entities collect enormous amounts of data on us but because it isn’t the big, bad gubbermit that’s somehow OK. Could someone explain exactly what personal data the CCP will collect if I watch TikTok videos?

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When he tries to do something this lame, you know they’re going to follow it up with something lamer. And if we’re talking “lamer”, we’re talking Peter Navarro:

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They never asked me for that. Ill bet that was some kind of scam as FB would have no idea if that was your DL. I think the concern with TicTok is that you install an application for it. So it’s possible a cleverly written trojan or tracker could be installed with it. China would certainly do that. By just watching one…I doubt much can be gleaned. But I’ve never used the application.


For a while, FB was claiming to enforce its “real names” policy by randomly locking out users whose names sounded suspicious to whichever crew of underpaid kids and algorithms they used to police that kind of thing. Or about who complaints had been lodged. They then required some kind of official ID (which might or might not be accepted) to unlock accounts. There was the usual firestorm of complaints from all the people whose real names don’t match their government-issued ID, and from all the people whose real names don’t match western-european norms.


lol, here is how this stuff works…i had never heard of or paid much attention to TIK-TOK, until THE OLD FART decided to ‘ban’ it…now, i will…its like with books…i think i read just about every 'banned; book i could , banning material was quite common in the 50s-60s…

if TRUMPF or BARR. etc. do test positive, we will never know…they will get what ever treatment is available, and even if they die…[other than Trump]…It will be some time before it is made public…if anyone notices…this is why they sneak off to Walter Reed for tests and treatment.

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