Garland Threatens To Sue TX Guv Over Order Against Driving Undocumented People | Talking Points Memo

Uh, well, no.
Delta is the 4th letter, and that variant is a big deal.
But recently it was reported that lambda is now present in the US. (Reported in TX, maybe? FL?)
I think that’s the 13th letter, and I have a queasy suspicion there are more than 13 identified variants at this point.
On the bright side, none of those between delta and lambda have (so far) been found to be “of concern” or “be afraid”(that’s a joke, kinda)


I think I’ve seen this asked and answered here, and yeah there are a ton of variants, but only the significant ones get letters.
I think.



I thought it was when we here in the comments started keeping track of his(Kirk’s) movements and cultivating some contacts that can get a few select people within close range?

True. But all the carriers will hang onto data as it goes through their hardware and share it if asked per legal requirements.

It’s one of those “public-private collaborations” the business community likes to tell everyone we need more of, so the private sector can glean more public funds.

Back in college, “gooney-birds” would put your head in the clouds - oversized blotter with a B-17 print …

I’m still trying to wrap my head around folks, and I mean folks that should know better like a certain MO state senator, who happens to be a doctor, who is on a rampage over the St. Louis County Executive ordering another mask mandate. Oh and the St. Louis County Executive is also a doctor.
I understand the concept of a virus spreading, and that the more chance we let it spread then the virus will take the opportunity to mutate, and that’s not good. How can I a dumb Parks and Rec major get this while a medical doctor does not?


I don’t believe for a minute that they don’t get it.


Trust me – you don’t even wanna know about the ones that got binomial coefficient notations!


He’s a doctor who is now a politician, and performative nonsense about masking plays well to his base.


Yeah they get it. They are just letting ideology override everything else.


I think that it’s possible some of them are tenuously enough moored to reality (they are republican politicians, after all) that what they get and what they believe are not really well-defined terms. They believe in raising money and getting re-elected, and everything else is yeah-whatever.

@squirreltown @tena
I forget to mention that the asshole doctor is ENT. While the County Exe is anesthesiologist. I’ve never had to go to an ear, nose and throat doctor, but I would assume that he’s understand that people are having to be placed on ventilators, and yeah that’s fucking serious.
Asshole doctor hasn’t come out as straight up Libertarian, but he sure do act like one.



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Now, now - let’s not go off on a tangent…


Fucking Libertarians. Ayn Rand was a crank.


@lastroth @irasdad

I secant that!!


Nah, he’s an ENT. Now, if he were a critical care specialist or a pulmonologist, he would immediately understand about what’s going on to need a ventilator. ENTs can give sinus sprays to people with deviated septa. Or, have their audiologist do a hearing test for them. Maybe a tonsillectomy if he remembers it from his med school years.

Why does anyone think he’s a politician if he was happy or competent being a practicing doctor?

I’ve never had to use an ENT so wasn’t sure the range of their practice. But still having hospitals completely filled, having to transfer patients to other hospitals, plus add in running out of ventilators and respiratory therapists is probably not something one runs into every year. And, and, not in just one region, or even within the US. Again why do they ignore that this is a global pandemic? I’m going to have to start to insist that they answer that teeny tiny simple question.


I get it – My doc (Internal Medicine) hates her job, and will only stick with it until her son gets through college. That will be 6-8 years from now. She hates the whole “health care system.” She says docs don’t get to treat patients any more. They just do “disease management.” And have 20 minutes to do it. What a waste of good training and bright and compassionate people.


Agreed. We’ll just wind up going around in circles : - )

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