Gaetz On Hot Mic Promised Stone Trump Would Pardon Him

Can’t spell class without ass.


I have used the site to document my family graves in PA. I need to do CT at some point, but that’s after I move out to the farm.


I saw an article by a wag with a legal bent that said you can add Witness Tampering to Gaetz’s rap sheet from this little talk with Stone. Does anyone know if that holds water?


He’s been. “hanging on by a thread” for over 15 months … one mighty strong thread.

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Long,but worth a read
Republicans’ next big play is to ‘scare the hell out of Washington’ by rewriting the Constitution. And they’re willing to play the long game to win. (


TBF: The only lawyers willing to work for him these days are the proud graduates of “Strip Mall Law Schools” and who’ve made careers of working for parking deck companies. I mean,back in the day, Ollie North hired Bredon L. Sullivan, Trump, former POTUS, gets a lawyer with an office over a falafel shop in Arlington. It’s hard to express the kind of collapse that represents.

(I mean no insult to lawyers who did not graduate from prestigious law schools; I’m sure many of them are fine lawyers, but the stable of lawyers representing Trump? They are walking, talking, living, breathing, lawyer jokes.)


Sad, sad story of how a thoroughly screwed up man destroyed his family. I know it would hurt, but it’s hard for me to imagine even thinking I’d want to mend any bridges if in Jackson’s shoes.


There’s nothing on her tombstone. Nothing except for her name, birth date, and death.

No Rest in Peace. No Loving Mother. Nothing.

People bury their pets with more dignity.


It doesn’t take that long.

It probably cost more to engrave the tombstone. Trump went bare bones to save a buck.


Excuse me — how does forcing a woman to carry a dead fetus increase the ability of the GOP to control the population?

Republicans hate women. QED.


Maybe he could fry DeSantis, too. Pretty please. :crossed_fingers:


Sinema has been this way since her days in the Arizona Legislature. But in this case she and Manchin see a way to Power because of the narrow majority the Democrats have in the senate. The other members, mostly, are serious people there to do a job for their constituents. Not Manchin and sure as there are little green apples, not Sinema. Manchin likes power. Sinema wants attention. Any attention…good or bad. The last thing Sinema is…is a serious person.


It is NJ. Probably not the first.


I saw an actual lawyer who commented that Gaetz’s conversation was likely too vague to achieve a conviction.

That said, I would not bet that these fsckers don’t have a long email thread, with multiple recipients, where they spelled it out, explicitly. But… I don’t believe that the Flying Spaghetti Monster loves me enough to arrange to void Stone’s pardon as “corrupt.”


First wife dies in an “accident” (no witnesses) and is buried in a golf course for tax breaks. If Trump’s last name had been Italian, would anyone hear this and not immediately think mafia? It’s like out of a bad movie filled with stereotypes. Can’t wait to see the gaudy tasteless statue they place at the gravesite.


In the trial of the century, going after a former president, I doubt he will have any trouble getting some good lawyers. That is pretty high profile, and there will be die-hard Republican sympathetic firms who will want to protect the Unitary Executive powers and try for the brass ring of getting an acquittal or getting him off of most of the counts.

Of course, since he ran thru most available lawyers going after porn stars and asking them to commit crimes in offensive measures to overturn an election…that is to be expected at this current time the bench isn’t deep. But I bet if the DOJ brings fresh action against him, there will be able defenders who take up the crusade.


Don’t event think anyone in the family would be offended if a member had to play it through by using a wedge on that tiny practice bunker… I mean really going ham on that piece of turf. Afterall, if they cared, this wouldn’t have happened.

PSA: This is why estate planning is so important.
Talk to your loved ones about your final wishes.


If the zoning is open space or golf course not cemetery how can they apply for the tax break. Doesn’t the city get a say?
Asking as an old city planner.


…land or places used or dedicated for use for burial of human remains…

Only one small area of the golf course is being used for a cemetery. If he gets away with this, why wouldn’t every golf course, hotel, restaurant, etc, in NJ start burying a few bodies or placing cremation urns around like objects of art?