Gaetz On Hot Mic Promised Stone Trump Would Pardon Him


I dunno. After she tried to pull the “I’m the first wife, I’m the real FLOTUS, I’m on the phone with him almost every day” stuff right back at the beginning (when Malaria was still in NYC renegotiating her pre-up before she came back and slapped both Iwankadonk and Mummy Dearest down), I’m not altogether sure she’d be upset about this. She was just as big of a publicity hog in her own way.

Dollars to donuts, she knew about this and was okay with this because it confirms her “I’m the first wife!” status. If she’d had other plans and was against this, it would have been in her will and testament.


How much can Joel Greenberg possibly have left to say? He is the verbal equivalent of a colonoscopy prep. Just when you think you’re finished…nope and nope.


Speaking of TFG…

Donald Trump’s lawyers are preemptively preparing a legal defense against criminal charges from the Justice Department, as the former president’s lawyers are increasingly anxious that their client will be prosecuted for his role in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

Members of the ex-president’s legal team have already begun brainstorming strategy and potential defenses, according to three people familiar with the matter and written communications reviewed by Rolling Stone . Trump himself has been briefed on potential legal defenses on at least two occasions this summer, two of the sources say.

That effort intensified after former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s June testimony before the House committee investigating Jan. 6.

Possible “defenses” include:

  1. “An ‘advice of counsel’ defense - “Trump got some terrible advice from attorneys who, some people would argue, should have or must have known better"
  2. Other potential strategies include defenses based on the First Amendment and the right to petition the government over a political grievance. (Such arguments are viewed internally as potential defenses against charges related to the fake elector scheme)
  3. Shifting blame from Trump to his advisors for the efforts to overturn the election, per the three sources, reflecting a broader push to find a fall fall-guy — or fall-guys .

Trump’s been paying for his underlings’ lawyers.

Then he’s going to blame them for everything (I think Cassidy and Marky got the memo on that, once they hired their own lawyers).

Because if we’ve learned one thing: What you get for years and years of blind fealty to Donald Trump…is…years and years of blind fealty to Donald Trump (and quite possibly the honor of going to jail for him).

It is its own reward, you see…


What Biden said when Trump got COVID vs. what Trump said when Biden got COVID.

— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) August 1, 2022


A lot of foresight went into designing that plot.


The long shots of the grave site look worse. It’s a scruffy area in front of some trees without any real landscaping work. It’s obvious the area was reserved for a grave site but not really prepared for it, and the death took the family by surprise.

I find the whole idea of burial really weird anyway these days, but there is an extra layer of weirdness in owning a property that isn’t an actual home site where you’re burying your family members. So, they can never sell this golf resort? What if it goes bankrupt and they’re forced off the property? Do they plan to partition off the “cemetery” as a separate property near the first hole? It’s bizarre.


And Donald is an honorable man who would follow another’s request even if it was a minor inconvenience to him

ETA Will Ivana being buried at a golf course help Donald Trump skip taxes?

Ivana is the first person known to have been buried at the golf course.


I have my fingers crossed that this will inspire a whole lot of people who up until now have kept mum to reconsider about spilling the beans.

Also: I am also hoping that the somewhat-forgotten but AFAIK still active case against Ivankadonk for filing “misleading documents” with Deutsche Bank may end up with Daddy throwing Weisselberg under the bus to save his daughter-wife.

Sooner or later, everybody gets underbussed by FatAss.


True, good point.

But I still stand by my belief she was okay with it. And for all we know, she made him executor of her will.


I t would be a mistake for people to assume they would only be underbussed once.


Some more hot Morning-Memo-ish dish: MTG says she would be honored to be Trump’s running mate in 2024. They’re great pals, she says, and talk often. So do it, Donald! Cannons don’t get any looser, bud, and she’s got good buzz. :grin:


Yeah, and here’s the test they should give Joe, to prove he has dementia (I hear TFG scored higher than any other person in the history of the test!):

Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


Hey, nobody EVER accused FatAss of having any class. Nobody.


I am so damned old, (and today feeling every day of my age), I remember back when Barack Obama made some anodyne remark about not being pointlessly rude on social media and the Republicans were all up in arms over Obama’s criticizing the current President, (even though Obama never actually said anything to indicate he was talking about Trump), which, you know, is considered terribly unpresidential. And this POS says crap like this, and they, and for that mater the press, just sit there and say nothing about this, as if it were normal.


It seems that if Greenberg is still providing info a full year after we were told that Gaetz would be imminently indicted, there must be a large number of powerful people who are involved. Hoping DeSantis is one of them.


They chortle in private.


Could have been worse.

He could have made a sand trap out of her.

Or, her open mouth…the hole.


Still doesn’t mean she wasn’t in on it (if only for her poor darling children’s sakes, as they’d ultimately get the tax benefits). Plus, as the family plot, she’d want to be right in the middle.

She was in on his crooked dealings until Marla appeared. And I’ll bet her own company books don’t uphold very well under closer scrutiny.


Trump just wants to tee off on her one last time.