Gaetz Implodes In Surreal Tucker Carlson Appearance | Talking Points Memo

Wayne: No, it was The Ginger that fucked an ostrich .
Squirrelly Dan: Allegedly.
Gail: It would take more than one person to fuck an ostrich .
Wayne: We’ve heard it was a sick ostrich .
Gail: Well, it would take two guys to fuck an ostrich . Three, even.
Wayne: Again, we’re hearing it was a sick ostrich .
Gail: Still, it’s a three-man job to fuck one.-Letterkenny



And what do you think the Argylls ate in Aden. Arabs?
-Yours etc. Captain B.J. Smethwick in a white wine sauce with shallots, mushrooms and garlic.

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“Oh, the humanity.”

His lips are sealed tighter than Gaetz’s clenched sphincter.

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I know, right?

And he hasn’t even been indicted (yet). Stand by your man (so you can stick in the shiv).


You know, we have to acknowledge that Q was partially right. There really is a child sex trafficking ring going on.

They were just focused on the wrong party.


But the real question here is, why would any minor want to have sex with this obnoxious, toxic, repugnant and morally reprehensible deviant?

Well, unless said minor was a teen prostitute. But nobody has suggested that, at least not publicly, right? Oh, wait a minute.


And the senator, while insisting he was not intoxicated, could not explain his nudity.


Warning: Graphic photos.

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I wonder if David McGee can file a defamation lawsuit.


“Providing flights and hotel rooms for people you are dating of legal age is not a crime.”

Okay, Matt. It’s not that.

So what crime did you commit?

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And not to be petty, but Limbaugh died, and just today G. Gordon Liddy died, too. 2021 is shaping up to be tons better than 2020.


Gym, if you’d just wear the jacket you could have your hands free! Come on! Everyone’s doing it!

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Once in a while, a moron like Carlson can’t help but have something interesting on. A stopped clock is correct two times a day, after all, but that doesn’t mean the clock is useful. It’s nice to be able to read about this nonsense here, instead of having to put up with Carlson.

On another note: remember the main source of revenue for Fox: cable subscribers (NOT advertisers). I’d never have known that if not for a recent episode of On The Media. So, boycotting Fox advertisers doesn’t have as big an effect as people might believe.


Ladies and gents, welcome to Pizza Gaetz.


“The old Show-them-photos-then-demand-millions-or-they-go-public trick. That’s the third time this year.”

truly “An obituary I read with some pleasure.”…


But, Tucker, you do seem to remember having dinner with Gaetz, right? Please, tell us more about your friendship and personal connections with Gaetz, Please? Not that you’re a real journalist or anything like that, so having personal friendships with the people you are “interviewing” doesn’t affect matters. However, telling your audience more about your dinner with Gaetz, and the parties you’ve been to at his house, etc. will add to the entertainment value of your “show.”