As Texans’ ballots were cast and tallied across the Lone Star State last week, Monica Emery received multiple letters from county election officials saying that her attempt to vote by mail had failed.
Ukrainians are bravely fighting to defend their democracy with their lives. American Republicans are sly (but not so sly) little shits trying to undermine our democracy.
But that can’t be! Joe Manchin said on the floor of the Senate that NOBODY was being denied the right to vote…Now Joe Manchin wouldn’t be lying about that…even if Charles Koch put a bunch of cash in his pocket, would he???
We should probably take the “Democrat vs Republican” incidence with a ton of salt. This legislation was gamed out to do one thing: guarantee a GOP edge. I’m sure it did that and equally sure very few folks will come right out and say so.
I’m not so sure it gave R’s the edge though. This could be a major self-own. If I remember right, you can only vote by mail in Texas if you’re over 65. That’s a GOP-heavy electorate, seniors who vote more consistently than younger folks.
They may have just shot themselves in the foot. After the data is collected, it wouldn’t surprise me to see Texas scurrying to correct this before November.
Military and overseas ballots are governed by a federal statute, not SB-1. But it’s still hilarious that they’re disproportionately disenfranchising Republican voters.
They really want only rich white Christian males to vote just like the Founding Fathers intended…even though there was that carve out for folks going to a temple in Rhode Island
The solution would be to have the SCOTUS green light the “independent state legislature theory”, that way the Texas Legislature can do away with universal suffrage and just designate electors and be done with all the costly process.