Full Impact Of Texas’ Voter Suppression Law Is Becoming Clear

Indeed. Now that the issue is documented they can blame the system (that they broke) and be selective in how they apply the remedy. I’d imagine they will spend more time and effort curing rural votes than from Austin.


Yes we talked about how this will be a burden on older Republican voters, but it hadn’t occurred to me that maybe they wanted the older Republican voter’s numbers diminished, especially for the primary. That way the TX GOP could get more Trumpers slotted for the general election. Older Republicans will now have more time to fix/find out which damn number to use in the general. And most will hold their nose and vote for the Trumper in the general.

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Age 65+, disabled, in jail pending trial, our out of the county on Election Day and for the entire period of early voting. Probably 95% of the mail-in vote is seniors, who skew disproportionately white and Republican.


Mission accomplished


Does this mean Abbott gets a leather bomber jacket?


This legislation was gamed out to do one thing: assuage Trump’s dumb 2020 electoral grievances.

Trump complained about vote-by-mail, so the nasty hobbit Briscoe Cain made it harder to vote by mail, even though it’s basically only their core voting demographic of seniors who are eligible to vote by mail in the first place. Because they’re stupid and beholden to Trump.


I can assure you, Texas GOP legislators are far too stupid to have concocted such a plan. Trump said jump, so they jumped.


I just read a story about Earth Day…

  • Established by a staunch environmentalist called Gaylord Nelson
  • The esteemed Senator from… Wisconsin!!!
  • A Democrat, of course
  • It is regarded world-wide as the largest secular celebration in human history

Wisconsin… this one’s for you!


So more brutes than brains.


Yep. There is some legitimately bad stuff in the bill, especially criminalizing or enhancing penalties for election workers making mistakes, but 99% of what the did in the bill is just Trump Electoral Theater.


I hope that is the case but we have to believe the very same folks that lied about their motives to accept the numbers they’re now handing out.


You are giving the guys way to much credit, those aren’t the multi-dimensional chess players. The GOP sore losers convinced themselves that they lost because of the expanded mail voting during the pandemic, so they set about to restrict mail vote so they won’t lose again. Now the stupidity of all is that they did that in beet-red Texas where they already win everything worth winning anyways.


That was Travis County very Democratic County

What happened in Dallas, Harris counties, Also Democrat

If Democrat votes cannot be counted in these counties there is no chance.


65+ went 58:41 TMFWWNBN vs Biden in 2020 - so more likely to impact R votes. But of course the smaller counties will try to cure the R ballots, not D ones, whereas DFW etc will try to play fair


Only if he parachutes onto the USS. Abraham Lincoln wearing George W. Bush’s codpiece.

(Giving Chris Matthews a tingle up his leg.)


If I have it right this legislation also made it difficult to vote in person if your registration lapsed.

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Ah a gentle reminder of why I don’t miss Tweety M on TV!

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There’s a bigger picture here than being discussed. If your mail in is legit but rejected you have to get it “cured” . That puts you in the hands of the folks that created your problem. It allows them to fix or not fix your problem as they see fit.

You’d have to be one gracious person to think that will by done without prejudice.


Just look at that fine young man. Does my heart good to be reminded that we elected him TWICE. Take that you demented orange boob.


We have fought this and will continue to fight. But after the SC gutted voting rights in Texas it’s not a fair fight.