Fox Hosts Complain About SCOTUS Allowing NC And PA To Extend Ballot Deadlines: ‘Are You Kidding?’

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He was referring to the federal law that overseas ballots have up to 10 days after the election to arrive and be counted.


And nary a mention of Hacky O’Campaigndonor trashing the Postal Service nationwide for the sole effect of eliminating countable ballots, right?

Fox & Friends is a true “Enemy of the People” operation, they really need to find room in a gulag for these Tokyo Roses!

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Oh…it’s coming.

Just you wait and see.


So it’s really four boobs.


They wouldn’t need extra time if the asshole Trump made Postmaster General hadn’t fucked up the USPS so bad. Oh well, this will all be covered in the Truth and Reconciliation trials begin in February. Sad!



Seasonal politics:




Early this year I went to a meeting to hear my state rep speak, but it was more than that. The group hosting the meeting had the Democratic Commissioner speak. We were getting new machines like what you’re describing and he was giving his speach on how they work, and why they are better, and yes they are. I believe he said that by voting on paper that they could record them by hand if there is a power outage, or get a generator.

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It’s remarkably progressive for our state. I’m sure we’ll be switching to something a lot less secure if there is a national blue wave.

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He’ll definitely has to be supervised, especially after the havoc he caused in 2000.

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To the mighty Nimrod duds at Faux Snooze: It’s called Democracy, folks. Given the last nearly four years, I guess you’ve forgotten about that. It’s called counting ALL the votes. And the filthy turd you support has done everything he could possibly do to slow down the US Mail, so maybe you should take the counting time extension up with the jackass that slowed the mail while trying to destroy our democracy.

Writing this here is preaching to the choir. Expecting the dullards at Faux Snooze to (1) read it, and (2) accept it, is like explaining things rationally to a cobblestone street; Thick as a Brick, y’know…

We had to wait how long in 2018 for some results? Bitchass Fox News is willing to forget how elections work because Trump is pushing to know before all the votes are counted.

Once again I defer to the great writing of Charles Pierce: “Three Dolts on a Divan.” That’s all you need to know about this crew.


As their numbers shrink and they are steadily outnumbered by non-racist actual humans that value fairness and democracy these types will get more shrill, desperate and possibly violent. It’s going to be an ugly time rounding up the last of the rats, but it will happen eventually.

Use the cages that Biden will immediately empty of all those children. I hear they’re super clean!

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My dream is, on election night, the networks have the balls and call the election for Biden just before midnight on the west coast. I want so badly to hear the Orange Buffoon and his minions scream that all votes should be counted and it can’t be called until then.

Cute! Very cute!

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